Tri-tra-tralala comes, sometimes the Kindernet! When it comes to the ideas of UN diplomats, it will soon be an end to the Internet as we know it.
After the notices by WikiLeaks and the damage it caused Offentlichkeitswirkung, wants to take advantage of the opportunity and censor the Internet worldwide. This only absolutely child-friendly information can transmutor the world.
That left the sleeping sheep will remain in twilight, the simple-minded thinking of the proponents. But bad luck, these girls milk Elite does not work out. For as well-should be known, all previous world-shaking revolutions took place in the time before instead of the Internet!
So it is again flayed some time, but postponed is not abandoned. And when the last sheep sleep woke up, it is how beautiful so Celente , Expressed the "lamppost" solution inevitably bring closer .
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