Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Long Does It Take For Dyslexia Results

vegetable garden in February

To do vegetable garden in February
collect ideas for the vegetable garden year
can make soil sample, if not in January happened
raised bed built
areas covered with black fleece
tomatoes in the house sow
The greenhouse with bubble wrap
wrap in early February in the culture house first salad prefer
end of February in an unheated greenhouse at the floor first salads sow

collect ideas for the vegetable garden year
Last year I had very Gemüsgarten the Research Institute of Weihenstephan Freising. Herbs - -
the vegetables I've seen there and at the same ton photographed.
This year I will build a similar vegetable bin for us - because the idea I find not bad:
vegetables and herbs tonne in Weihenstephan

On an excursion to vineyards I have when looking over the fence in a farmer's garden a very nice bean trellis discovered:
Last year we had a real bean-poles Tippi - this year I try it once with the stake.
Anyone with children can sow them together with a cress-face. We will
this Year much (and many varieties) grow salad and I had my very decorative planting in Weihenstephan reminded (see images-top row).
The vegetable garden should look like from this year also really good.
I will certainly make a pilgrimage back often to Weihenstephan. Such experimental gardens are always a source for garden inspiration. Also, new varieties and cultural techniques you can observe throughout the year.

vegetable and salad crop in the cold greenhouse:

Once it goes anyway, I prefer the less sensitive vegetables and salads in a cold greenhouse. This
do it without heating expenditure, we have an "onion system" considered as the wall cladding: We have a GH
with single glazing.
We will set about it outside the greenhouse around the back of bubble wrap to provide additional insulation. On the table in a cold frame cold GH is from the garden center of double panels.
In this cold frame the stool bed Floratherm of warriors and then the culture dishes in it for the young plants.
The temperature in stool can even adjust the temperature sensor and a controller.
Thus, for relatively energy-saving as early as February, the cold greenhouse for growing use. There is definitely brighter than inside at the windows. There are also already in there all the young tomato and pepper plants ...
evening, then closed all the latest cover - inside of the stool bed but is usually in February during the day too. It's often too cold.

Here is a picture from the year before last:

source for stool bed:
(and no - I can not get a percentage or benefit on the link - too bad)
Krieger GmbH stool bed Floratherm

We the end of January already sown salad that comes then soon now in the stool bed.
(note he has progressed wonderfully, and is without prejudice since mid-February in a cold frame - despite the -11 ° C)
comes from mid-February the salad for 5-pcs-as every 14 days into the cold frame and here in stool is really going for the seedlings production's vegetables year.

maintenance garden Tip: Make
In selecting the seed of good quality and resistant, healthy varieties. This saves much work and frustration.
I personally buy organic seeds as possible (eg Demeter) and also not use old seed. The
Jungplanzen early harden and as often as possible from a protected place in the sun.

yesterday's - or grandfather was still thought he knew:
Have you notice that It is now established that in addition to carrots, onions do not protect against carrot fly, and vice versa, the carrot, the onion before the bulb does not fly? Almost everyone believes it - me too until I tried it. It does not, unfortunately, really. As science has once again right. Too bad - would have been so practical. But help networks and the right variety choice. Current info about
also: Veitshöchheim - Research Institute

birds in the garden to settle:

we recently purchased from:
worm professional - Bird House for half-hole breeders

degrees gather during the breeding season Birds lots of lice for your boys. Also, it makes us enjoy watching the birds in the garden.
We watch, we also wrens, robins and redstarts

eg sowing of vegetables

third February: the first seedlings are
quite something special - here's a salad-Baby:
The press pots for salads, we have established with our new Erdpresse itself. (Source as Nixdorf W. ) The soil must be moist enough to press only. After a few tries, it has worked out perfectly. Finally press pots of organic soil. The earth is loose enough to let the roots spread freely across.

Only the tomatoes we will continue to sow the seed trays and then transplant in yogurt cups. This has been proven for many years.

sowing in February
it can certainly be a lot more Sow in February - here it's all just to make our vegetable garden and our personal interests, preferences.
peppers and salad we had as early as mid / late January brought into the earth.
Now if the greenhouse is ready, the salad is there in the frost-free growing house.

mid-February we sow in spring onion - which I love for Asian cuisine and salad
a try, we start with Fennel 'Fino' (Demeter-seed) - according to package one can sow these varieties in February under glass (that is with us in the house). We love fennel, but so far I felt that if it grows too early, then he shoots. If that works, that would be wonderful. We really enjoy the food - a salad and vegetables.
try a set beetroot we. The Egyptian variety Platt Round is to geegnet for such an early sowing. We have four cold frames, in which we can then plant out our early crops.
celery and kohlrabi we are now probably better than young plants.

February 6:
peppers grow well here Daisy F1. One can clearly see the 2 sheets in addition to the cotyledons. Now is the time for transplant. I place them deeper than they stood in the seedbed - similar to the tomatoes. The two are indeed closely related (Solanaceae).
Once it is warm enough, I put the young plants for 1-2 hours before a protected south-facing windows, so they get plenty of sun and get used to direct sunlight from a young age. They grow more compact and strong.

February 8: The first
peppers are now grown even more rapidly and piqued:

13th February - already 2 more leaves and they grow quickly:

pepper - Varieties:
all are early maturing varieties.

sown on 20.1. Vlasta, Early Magic, Daisy F1, Summer Gold, Naschzipfel
The F1 hybrids has already germinated after 3 days
piqued on 8 February

sown on 30.1: Palermo, Bontempi, Fiesta

tomatoes - varieties.
sown very early maturing varieties such as Stupice, Bloody Butcher, Vesenji Mieurinski

at 6.2.
Am 11.2. all germinated.

around mid-February I put the salad into the early cold frame. We had frost again to -11 ° at night - but that did not hurt the young lettuce plants.
25th February:
against snails I have scattered Ferramol and umd placed the salads a plastic collar.

February 27
Here are some pictures of our seedlings in late February:
The kohlrabi are at ease with the still fairly cool temperatures. I will continue to harden in about 14 days and put into cold frame.
The small fennel stay for a while in the culture house - they need it warmer.
The green onions are impressive now.



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