Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Difference In Emu Bronte And Stinger Boot

plan perennial border and create

plan perennial border and create

front of the house we have a perennial border, which is half done.
Typical really - as some plants were already there, a few have brought me. Everything was first time brought into the earth, so that the plants are supplied.
This year is now a really nice be dry perennial border it.
It is the year look good - even in winter
It is from spring to autumn is always something blooming

main - Color: blues -
know later in summer, the cool tone switches to the warm red-orange fall color
location: lean, sandy soil, limestone, full sun from morning until late afternoon
Size: 30 square meters

ideal conditions for a Magerbeet with lots of onion plants

Existing plants :
about 20 Iris pallida
a Eremurus stenophyllus
5 Knautia macedonia 'Mars Midget'
3 Anchusa azurea (2 years ago acquired) aflatuense
20 Allium Globemaster
an impressive older Yucca filamentosa
a Strauchpäonia in a silky, cold wine red
3 Sedum telephium "Autumn Joy"
a few proliferating Euphorbia cyparissias

From Great plan to the Small - ie trees first, then perennials and bulbs:

first Leitgehölze and Leitstauden:

Chamaecyparis - false cypress, smoke tree and Amelanchier
Bux-balls, Chinese peony bush, Caryopteris - Bluebeard
Miscanthus sinensis Gracillimus, Pennisetum - Pennisetum
Yucca filamentosa - Yucca, Eremurus - Eremurus, Allium - Allium see,

in the picture: in the background, the Chamaecyparis, front Chinese shrub peony and iris varieties.
Iris with spurge and fat hen

Here is a view of the Magerbeet:
front right in the photo the Yucca in Magerbeet, then the blue catmint and then the sunny border changes in semi-shade and shade (directly behind the wall is cool, moist, shady). In the cool bed grow foxglove, clematis and many Hosta.

2. Planning of the lean flowerbed seasons:

bloom from February to April
daffodils February Silver
wild tulip Tulipa tarda
Galanthus elwesii
Pulsatilla vulgaris - Pasque

bloom from May to June
Tulipa "White triumphant"
Eremurus robustus - Eremurus
Eremurus stenophyllus - Eremurus
Iris pallida - the beautiful light blue iris
Allium - Allium
Nepeta x faassenii "Six Hill's Giant '- catmint
Euphorbia cyparissias - Spurge

bloom from June to July
Lavandula angustifolia" Hidcote Blue '- a compact, powerful blue lavender
Salvia nemorosa 'May Night' - Sage
Anchu azurea "Dropmorea"
Knautia macedonica 'Mars Midget'
thymus serphyllus - thyme as ground cover

blossom: July - August - September
Echinops ritro - Globe Thistle
Liatris spicta - superb charter
Caryopteris - Bluebeard, strong blue
Yucca filamentosa - Yucca
Stipa barbata - heron feather grass
Montbretias in varieties - orange and red

bloom from October to November
Sedum telephium autumn joy - Fettehenne
Pennisetum 'Hameln' - Pennisetum

Annual and biennial Verbena bonariensis
(is not reliably hardy with us)
mallows, hollyhocks - variable, depending on the desired

Last check: Is
in any season is a highlight Beet? It blooms from February to October?
What about in winter ? Structure give the trees, green supply Bux and Chamaecyparis. Grasses and lavender are especially in frost an eye-catcher.
The plant collection no problem. Wonderful.
Now all draw in the planting plan, create plant list and quantities determined.

The plants are then at a very small herbaceous plants ordered. When they arrived completely in the garden, I put them first all out on the bed. Existing ones if need be dug up again and redistributed.
First, the large plants in groups of 1-3 plants, then the medium-sized companion in groups of 3-7 plants, and finally ground cover and small companion with 9-15 plants per group.
will then have moved a little and pushed reviewed and changed - then planted.

this - or something like that then, for example in the fall can look in Magerbeet:



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