Saturday, January 1, 2011

What Kind Of Cheese Does East Side Marios Use ?

vegetable garden in January

vegetable garden in 2011

January in the Vegetable Garden:

To do:
garden bed plan can
make soil sample
sift seeds and add
germination test for seed
mid-January peppers sow

end of January salads sow

Jan 20

pepper seeded (see below)

Jan 30
We have again peppers nachgesät Because too few have been merged.
Then we tried the new Erdpresse (from Nixdorf) and equal to the first
salads sown. The Erdpresse works the way very well.

peppers soak
pepper seeds about 24 hours in chamomile tea. This shortens the germination time.
sow in warm soil cultivation, position it in a warm place. Ca. 23-25 degrees.
evenly moist and keep warm - as long as they are not germinated, I put them in the closet - where it is warm, but dark.
from germination then warm up and very bright. If necessary, help out with plant bulbs.
transplant have once been formed in addition to the two cotyledons or 2 correct leaves.
planting earlier than mid-May.

today pointed the first pepper seedlings from the ground:

sowing all on 20.1.
24.1. Variety Daisy F1 - 3 pieces of 3 seed - the only variety that germinates well.
1.26 grade magic breakfast -. 2 pcs of 6 seeds
27.1. Vlasta summer varieties and gold - each with 1 piece of 3 seeds

lettuce seeds of suitable early lettuce I have set before sowing the overnight vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. After sowing seed tray in the fridge. This can be like in the dark (including cellar) - the main thing is cool. Once the lettuce germinates immediately set up very bright.
Do not keep too wet, pour in the morning.

planning garden beds and crop rotation:

complicated families: cabbage family, Umbelliferae (carrots, for example) and Schmetterlingsblüter (beans),

vegetables that belong to these three families may only every 3-4 years again in the same bed.
wander why these three families in the course of 4 years each of the whole vegetable gardens with 4 beds.
three beds of vegetables - 1 each bed with green manure for recreation.
The family emigrated from this year so a flower bed next year to bed 2, 3 and then to bed to bed last fourth Only then back to bed first As I said, one of the beds has failed to ever break and should recover. This is also good for beneficial insects and looks pretty off when phacelia, or Tagetes marigolds among the vegetables shine through.
By by family crop rotation can prevent species-typical diseases and pests multiply too much, or soil exhaustion occurs.

The leek leafminer overwinters as in the earth and is looking forward, next spring back to nibble on garlic - but yah that is not there anymore, but far away in the next bed. Too easy I will make my players do not even now.

same time, the strong-weak Wearmouth Wearmouth Wearmouth-medium-order (See below) guarantees.
eg all members of the cabbage family have more or want more nutrients. They are all on the same bed, one still gets an extra dose of Nettle slurry as fertilizer, the other just will not - or less. (Nettle liquid manure is discussed in detail in April)
A pre-and main culture is possible with this method.
example only salad (which needs only a 2 year break in the crop rotation) - then coal

uncomplicated Families
Composites (Salads) need 2 years of cultivation break
very simple families:
lily family (Allium), Solanum (tomato), cucurbits, sweet grass (maize) and goosefoot (beetroot) you can already after 1 year break again planted on the bed. Also suitable as Beipflanzung to the 3 large, complex plant families "from above.

nutrient requirements:
Stark Zehrer: eg carbon species, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, corn, rhubarb, potatoes
means Zehrer: eg carrots, radish, fennel, leeks, beets, peppers, cucumbers, celery
weak Zehrer: eg lettuce, spinach, radishes, peas, beans, spices

vegetables - growing plan - example

fresh fertilized with compost and manure or septic - then that is a bed for Stark Zehrer:
first Kohlrabi (previously growing under protection network)
second Brussels sprouts
Beipflanzung zucchini

crop rotation:

in the first year so as cabbage plants, next year is on this bed of carrots, in the 3rd Years flowering butterfly (beans, peas) and then in the 4th Years green manure. Then start all over again.

As Beipflanzung (pre-or Nachkultur) I combine it with salads or radishes or beetroot and other vegetables from the uncomplicated families with only 1 year production break. But also because I make sure that this pause is maintained and do not plant very confused.

Square Garden method: this method is divided into squares and each bed in each square is a different vegetable. This looks fun, might sound easy - but ... The crop rotation can they do not comply - pests and diseases can nestle so unabated. Fertilization is also a problem - a Bizzel fertilizer here and over there and left them, because otherwise too much salad gets nitrate .... yes it works but not right and requires vast knowledge of gardening. Then overgrown zucchini all young neighbors, the coal is its neighbors in the shadows ... Really practical and useful, it is therefore not for beginner level. But thoughtful, witty - and something new.

then but rather several small raised beds (eg, from compost bins and baskets to build itself) if the garden is rather small. More on raised beds in the next few posts.
In the mixed culture is often pointed out that some vegetables can not tolerate. I could find in my way and not hold me roughly it.

I mulch, as often as possible, care for enough compost to the beds and fertilizing as necessary and only with biologically produced organic fertilizer (eg, horn shavings). This keeps the soil alive and healthy and that is the basis for healthy vegetable plants with defenses against fungi, bacteria, viruses and pests.

So far, this has never required the use of pesticides (chemical anyway, but no biological agents).
against the white fly, I dust with stone dust.
I also do not plant restorative broths or manure.
well but I work with networks against the leek leafminer and fleece.
suitable varieties and proper fertilizer also help in growing - but more about Next time


vegetable garden planning

we have more and more penumbra in our vegetable garden . Therefore, I have looked good look at this issue.

vegetables for the penumbra:

sugar peas

broccoli kohlrabi
radish and radish
carrots has also been worked out

There are still a lot of vegetables and I find that very reassuring.

Rhubarb tolerates relatively much shade and grows quite well under the large cherry tree.


Last year I had little time for the vegetable garden - a conversion has taken us completely in hardware.
But this year we are again full of energy!

I have ordered seed (eg Wolfgang Nixdorf vegetable garden mail order ).
There is also the Covering come early or to protect networks against pests.

The tomato varieties, I prefer most of their own seed in itself, but some new varieties I had on Biogartenversand soon for testing ( Biogartenversand ).
Many tomato seeds I got from garden friend will receive from the Internet.

This year I want new herb varieties . Try In front in Corten steel trough provides the safe very well, and the kitchen is not far away.

Grade I ordered some early peppers peppers early spell at flail. Which must be sown soon, so he came to us yet mature.

Seed boxes and compost are ready.

literature Tip for gardeners:
The vegetable garden guide Wolfgang Nixdorf
and vegetables organically pull the ball from Vista Verlag, Christine Law


action to end the world's dying bees:
- if the bees die, we can forget our gardens very quickly, no bees, no pollination, no fruit. Here is the link to the forum for the petition and some links with in-depth information on:

https: / / / de / save_the_bees / vl

more info about it:



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