Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Can I Bring A Camera To A Wwe Event

expenditure of children and youth services

comparison to the year 2009, the expenditure of federal, state and local children's and youth work in the past year increased by 9.4% to € 26.9 billion. It is the largest increase, namely to 20.6% recorded in the field of risk into care at the child, were issued in 2009 to 142 million €.
in Geilenkirchen, we also recorded in the last two years a dramatic increase in the number of cases in the youth services. While the number of cases in the nearly full-time care remained the same, the numbers of outpatient support increased steadily from 42 in January 2008 to 112 (!) In the summer of 2010. In the case of residential care had to Geilenkirchen an increase by 76% in two years recorded, even more so than the nationwide trend. This trend should be viewed with one eye because of the increasing burden on the city's budget for the tasks of the youth services, but especially with mixed emotions, he pushes it across the country and here in Geilenkirchen, the increasing strength of the sensitivity in the population for cases the risks to the child and sets the good cooperation between all those involved in youth work - youth welfare, schools, bars, etc. - to the test.
When the increasingly difficult financial conditions in our city must provide the specialist agencies of the Government of the balancing act between cost consciousness on the one hand and appropriate assistance in all cases. A deterioration in the performance standards is certainly not in question.


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