on New Year's reception of the action Geilenkirchen eV
At today's New Year's reception of the action Geilenkirchen eV I had the very welcome opportunity to venture a view on the recent 2011. Especially important to me was there to make some notes on the budget situation. The current situation of the German soldiers on the base (want to fly to the ISAF mission and can not but should), I was also a concern. But first it was to say a big thank you. My response in part: Instead of me here ...."
spread over spilled milk or successful projects of last year, I would like to focus here on what we in this new year and as future issues in the next few years again and again - no matter whether by consensus or close to -. It will bring together not just a gesture of courtesy, but a genuine admiration and solidarity, if I start by thanking all those who have advanced this city last year: the many, many voluntary workers, the thousands of unpaid hours worked in the sports, social projects, in the living traditions and - last but not least - have been introduced into local politics, deserves special I would like at this point, of course, the work of the action group, which can be praised enough, to thank is the entrepreneurs of this city, which - from the "sausage-Marie" on the award-winning cheese shop and many promising start-ups to the medium-sized sparkling jewels such as in IT industry, the automotive sector, in laser technology and recent - in the trades, that this city is an excellent greenhouses for wonderful entrepreneurial plants - again, last but not least. The fertilizer to stay in the picture, your entrepreneurial spirit, this special impetus that you need to prevail and succeed. To all retail, trade and craft very much! Our city will remain sustainable by the combined expertise in all areas of health economics and the strong presence of the schools. Therefore, on behalf of all persons supplying services and the professions Here again, many thanks to all who are committed to the health and education in this city. And in the formation I would also specifically like those many include many students who make our city alive - and enrich our cultural life in concerts, exhibitions and theatrical performances - and show us every day that the future is to some extent already. We can see every day already, the future craftsmen, engineers, or even Presidents and Prince Carnival. You give our city a special dynamic, we are grateful. The soldiers of the two military organizations, I would like in a few moments come in perspective. Be sure that this will happen in the sense of great gratitude for their cooperation.
Ladies and Gentlemen, what is the year 2011 bring us? I begin again with the infrastructure, because the most visible and provide some discussions is:
- All switches are set so that we can inaugurate in November the Second phase of construction of the Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse. The work will cause traffic delays and noise in the city. Some will say: It's just cosmetics that make the town beautiful, and this in-house accounting perspective difficult times. Which should be said: With the redesign of the street a much needed Sewer connected. It is not just about the Attraktiverwerden, but to secure the future infrastructural
- 2011 is the year to be completed in the numerous projects that are funded by the economic stimulus package. They range from the toilet refurbishment in schools to highly visible façade renovation of the building Basten
- Another important concern is the DSL coverage of localities. Nothing would be the Council and the administration rather than fast DSL to bring in all the villages. Unfortunately, the funding for the equipment in 2011 only a few localities are rich. But still: A start is being made. We could feel pain in the last year by the way that the telecommunications industry Despite a very highly innovative images of conventional, tough chunks in negotiations.
- We will have to make it this year, in addition, despite the difficult budgetary situation of repairing the damage in the winter road system to bear on any case necessary road repairs. That sounds a bit like "bread and butter" problem is, but difficult to
Allow me to three other infrastructure projects in a different way to say something: since the town meetings on the proposed new wind turbines in the north and south of our city and on "phase I. Konrad-Adenauer-Straße" and "railway underpass Hünshoven" we must ask ourselves honestly, what about the representative significance of such events. How can we perceive the balance between approval and rejection of large projects in the public right? Is not it more likely that the rejection of a project are much more willing to go to a town meeting to avert a project? The year 2010 has shown us so much that is developing in Germany, a new protest culture, which - via the transmission belt of the media - quickly gains air superiority in the social discourse. We will also have to do in Geilenkirchen: local politics will advise, as the citizen participation on the subject III. Phase the inner city renewal (ie, the square in front of St. Ursula) and the railway underpass Hünshoven designed to have the representative body, namely the Council, a properly weighted basis for its decisions. My advice clearly to take advantage of in addition to the traditional forms of town meetings and the Web 2.0 technology to a whole wider population - reach - as well as young people. We must also do much to suggest that the complex information about upcoming projects, easily accessible and understandable.
Let me address two issues that will be important this year and beyond. I fail for ten other topics still roam and you the lecture of Dr. Cross still deny any longer. The municipal budget in 2011 is a first for advice and administration. For the first time Geilenkirchen will be required to submit a financial security concept. What does this mean? The city is to show that they are again a balanced budget by 2014, that is achieved in the black. But it will only be able to show that they can climb back € 8.7 million deficit at € 6 million. Geilenkirchen has badly shattered robust in recent decades. Two of us not be influenced factors, however, lead to now that the city with their budget now to some extent "in the short shirt in the rain" is: First, the newly introduced double-entry accounted for in our opening balance sheet for all mobile and immobile assets of the city, forcing the city to this write off. Secondly - and this is the more important factor - the social costs are rising across the country, and also here in Geilenkirchen, rapidly. The result? Geilenkirchen will present with the majority of the NRW municipalities not eligible for approval a budget backup policy. The municipal supervision - that district and county government - the city will undergo a set of rules that provides for: You must perform all required tasks, you are allowed per year, only two thirds of the amount put into investment projects that you have for the eradication your credit spend. They are then allowed to invest in 2011 only 900 thousand € to Geilenkirchen. And save the city must be the voluntary expenditure, so in sports, culture and club development. So: The lights will not go out, the schools are still heated, etc., but with the voluntary spending, we are not the Geil church leaders have spared cuts. And for new investments remains very little.
How to get out of this situation? The NRW government plans, the four-year deadline for reaching the black zero and set aside to meet with the local authorities of individual agreements over longer periods. Furthermore, countries are in negotiations with the federal government, shift to the social costs to where they arise, namely, the federal government - following the principle: Who ordered the music, they should pay. Then, still spoken by a lot of inter-community load balancing. As we veer mayors in the district Heinsberg no good, as compared to the cash position of the NRW cities we live on an island of the blessed. And we fear that we are in the situation of an indebted, which it is said: Do a few more debts, so your neighbors can help a lot worse indebted something. In contrast, ladies and gentlemen, we will defend ourselves.
But who in the face of such financial conditions then, calls for all remaining Finance to use on the maintenance of social harmony - Motto: For the worm box they have money, but for those in need not - fails to recognize that cities thrive only when and recover stronger from a non-self-inflicted crisis only be possible if she is not blind be in one eye. Finally, we will continue to be an attractive "greenhouse" for thriving businesses. Since conditions must be right as a whole, including sports, cultural and attractive city.
Speaking of attractive downtown. To her belongs attractive retail. The Economic Development Department supports the action group and individual investors in all Efforts to attract additional retail attractive to Geilenkirchen. If I now reports that a not insignificant Swiss retailer has hundreds of branches in the last year reacted very cautiously to the Anwerbeversuche from Geilenkirchen on the ground, the AWACS go soon away from Geilenkirchen, I'm on my last topic, in which the federal government, which play ISAF in Afghanistan and the WDR a role. Ladies and gentlemen, 2010 was a year in which the air of rumors about the E3A association often hummed only pretending. What we have is not all: The Dutch tabloid press would have heard me say that the association already in 15 years, go away, the press wanted Aachen have heard that 900 jobs will be deleted before the NATO summit in November, the WDR was back again with a hypothetical question: "What happens to Geilenkirchen, if the association goes away"? I then turned to the WDR director and now with the WDR Studio Aachen again the best ratio. But a lesson is it: The media rumor mill, combined with the personal opinions of citizens who do not know exactly, but to have all an opinion, seasoned kamer with the Dutch political banter in the 2de, all that is heard and seen and evaluated not only in Switzerland, but in the NATO countries, and the association and its site can only do harm. For what happened at the NATO summit? Nothing that would have made the association even in the vicinity of a weakening. The Dutch political banter has found its echo in the Wikileaks documents and led to some awkward moments in the Dutch policy. My experience from the year 2010 lead to the following appeal for 2011: Will we stay firmly in our solidarity with the E3A Association and the Verification Center, we do not get involved in speculation, we remain proud of our two peace-maintaining military units in Geilenkirchen, the name of our city to a worldwide "household be name "and a sympathetic symbol" GK "has had. And we are in solidarity with the more than 200 German soldiers in the flying personnel of the E3A-Union that - very well trained, committed and ready to fly - now have to stay on the ground, while the other national contingents participating in the ISAF support action, and after two years of preparation finally allowed to monitor the airspace over Afghanistan. I think we can all understand that the mood among the Germans on the base, I hear reliable these days is not optimal. It is unfortunate that domestic political issues - at the end of seven or even eight state elections paralyze the commitment of the Federal Republic to support this action - this year.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have noticed it, I am now very much "extra muros Geilenkirchen" now, and have shown that GK plays sometimes in the federal policy and the NATO. So I wanted to also build a bridge to the lecture by Dr. Helmut Grief, who will now approach our city a sense of the "google-earth" perspective. The action group and I wish you all continued success and thoroughly satisfying year 2011 and thank you for your attention. "
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