was dirt-bike-equipment correctly built
The Measure of a city council of Burgesses list not only led to a detailed press article in the "Geilenkirchener newspaper, but brought the dirt bike facility in the" topical "of the WDR studios in Aachen on Friday. Although neither the city council still had his group the foresight and fairness, just once to check with the administration before they went to the public, but proceeded along the lines of shoot first then ask questions. With an official request required the Group from the city of the "publish" the document went, but at the same time in the press and before the TV cameras. The now called the construction company on the scene, which sees itself under attack in their quality management. All detailed plans of the facility and the documentation on the production, both of which are now on the way to the Civic List show:
a) Both the planning and the execution took place in 2009 with the participation of young dirt biker, and the height and design of the jumping hill and the separation of a beginner slope next to the actual dirt-Line were denied to the last detail with the young people
b) the exporting company has not rubble or installed other hazardous materials; exactly the urban mission, the facility was layer by layer with the proposed permissible materials built
c) the young people have dug in 2009 a short time after the inauguration of lanes in the jump hill and a large action without prior consultation with the city's two jump hill completely removed. The driving character of the system is altered and the ruts (risky pedal contact with the grooved edges) is not secure.
All information would have been the Group of Citizens list without the support of press and TV are available and all had doubts about the proper preparation the system overcome. Moreover, the city continues to maintain its existing commitment in December to the Dirt-bikers (the civil list was also known), in time for the driving season in a joint operation at the plant make
Monday, January 31, 2011
Islamic Wedding Messages Wedding Card
100.5 defines organization down the auto show
This was not a hit: With the ground by the construction of the Second phase of construction would be the Geilenkirchener Auto Show is not enough space is available, withdrew on Thursday last week, the Hitradio 100.5 back as host of the Auto Show. All good arguments, which could raise the city to move the transmitter to remain private Eupener used, nothing, not even the hint that now with the completed phase I, far more space than last year for exhibitors is available. In the meantime, however, won in conjunction with the Action Group, a regional organizer with plenty of experience in such event formats (back). The Geilenkirchener Auto Show continues to be a highlight of the annual calendar of our city
This was not a hit: With the ground by the construction of the Second phase of construction would be the Geilenkirchener Auto Show is not enough space is available, withdrew on Thursday last week, the Hitradio 100.5 back as host of the Auto Show. All good arguments, which could raise the city to move the transmitter to remain private Eupener used, nothing, not even the hint that now with the completed phase I, far more space than last year for exhibitors is available. In the meantime, however, won in conjunction with the Action Group, a regional organizer with plenty of experience in such event formats (back). The Geilenkirchener Auto Show continues to be a highlight of the annual calendar of our city
Buy Prosumer Camcorder
facade design of the new shopping center remains unchanged
information on minor construction plans and several changes in the structure of the emerging shopping center in the Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße led to the question of local politics, whether as the facade, as it in Council was presented was obtained, or would it be there, give change. The town of Geilenkirchen stressed that the facade design, as presented in the Council, was part of the building permit. Unauthorized changes to the design were therefore excluded.
information on minor construction plans and several changes in the structure of the emerging shopping center in the Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße led to the question of local politics, whether as the facade, as it in Council was presented was obtained, or would it be there, give change. The town of Geilenkirchen stressed that the facade design, as presented in the Council, was part of the building permit. Unauthorized changes to the design were therefore excluded.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Skull And Crossbones Cupcake Stencil
sample embroideresses for matze beep
first I want to thank you all for all the nice comments and applications. I'm very happy about everyone. Unfortunately I can not let you preview all embroider. And I had to choose me for 3 testers.
And these 3 lovely ladies, it has become:
Marion reports of pink coral
by Gaby SiNiJu
Nicole by LaLunaz
contact you by email (in profile) with me, then I'll send you wish the files
you all a wonderful weekend
first I want to thank you all for all the nice comments and applications. I'm very happy about everyone. Unfortunately I can not let you preview all embroider. And I had to choose me for 3 testers.
And these 3 lovely ladies, it has become:
Marion reports of pink coral
by Gaby SiNiJu
Nicole by LaLunaz
contact you by email (in profile) with me, then I'll send you wish the files
you all a wonderful weekend
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Optive Eye Drops On Contact Lenses
finally searched against time trial embroideresses!!
this stick series dormant for a long time with me in the drawer now that it will soon be spring again, it is high time that losflattern the funny birdies allowed.
The series includes fully embroidered birds and the birds and funny Baumelbeine bands with dicks get it. The designs are all for the small frame (10x10cm)
Who wants to test? Then please just leave a comment. You should have a blog.
means sample embroidery designs to stitch all of the series, best on different materials, including difficult materials.
And please report back how the embroidery was made and what the outcome is.
The motifs should then be further processed so that I get photos with design examples, which can cushion, bags, shirts, pants and everything else be.
blog then your results and campaign * g
* However, there were in the past some unpleasant developments, so I am now seeking reliable testers can trust me, the desire to test my files and share files of course, to any third party . Sorry, I must mention here that so clearly. If you like me to permanently get into the "business", then please get in touch, I am happy.
this stick series dormant for a long time with me in the drawer now that it will soon be spring again, it is high time that losflattern the funny birdies allowed.
The series includes fully embroidered birds and the birds and funny Baumelbeine bands with dicks get it. The designs are all for the small frame (10x10cm)
Who wants to test? Then please just leave a comment. You should have a blog.
Stick series "matze" sounds

means sample embroidery designs to stitch all of the series, best on different materials, including difficult materials.
And please report back how the embroidery was made and what the outcome is.
The motifs should then be further processed so that I get photos with design examples, which can cushion, bags, shirts, pants and everything else be.
blog then your results and campaign * g
* However, there were in the past some unpleasant developments, so I am now seeking reliable testers can trust me, the desire to test my files and share files of course, to any third party . Sorry, I must mention here that so clearly. If you like me to permanently get into the "business", then please get in touch, I am happy.
Milena Velba Cooling Down
Again not for us, but for a swap. But this was now the last exchange. Soon there is again more for us. After all, too soon carnival.
A Amelie Farbenmix in 134/140 from orange shag with gefüttertet corner hood, bands at the tip, buttons and Häkelbutton as decoration, applique hundi (was a freebie from somewhere) on top and front with lace and rickrack at the hem and hood .
I hope you like it.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Which Dog Is Faster A Doberman Or A Boxer
Dirt bikers
The city of Geilenkirchen has set up in December 2010, an interdepartmental working group that dealt with under the leadership of Mayor Fiedler all aspects of voluntary services by citizens in social and cultural projects. The working group was constituted after consultation with the federal program "voluntary service of all generations." In addition to projects for the elderly, new forms of participation of public space and the use and development of developed recreational facilities and the technical committees Council will be presented. This includes the development of Dirt Bike facility at Wurmauenpark involving young "Dirt-bikers. The young users had after the establishment of this plant repeatedly for improvement brought to the administration. The civil engineering department of the city will be composed in the spring before the start of actual dirt bike season with the youth and interested parents and take an unostentatious but effective improvement of traffic lanes and jumping hill in attack. These machines are the young people of the construction yard to help improve the "Dirt Bike" system to their liking.
A basic, expensive reconstruction of the Dirt-bike system is not planned, however. It was in the existing contacts between dirt bikers and city not required and would be financially viable because of the financial situation of the city anyway.
The city of Geilenkirchen has set up in December 2010, an interdepartmental working group that dealt with under the leadership of Mayor Fiedler all aspects of voluntary services by citizens in social and cultural projects. The working group was constituted after consultation with the federal program "voluntary service of all generations." In addition to projects for the elderly, new forms of participation of public space and the use and development of developed recreational facilities and the technical committees Council will be presented. This includes the development of Dirt Bike facility at Wurmauenpark involving young "Dirt-bikers. The young users had after the establishment of this plant repeatedly for improvement brought to the administration. The civil engineering department of the city will be composed in the spring before the start of actual dirt bike season with the youth and interested parents and take an unostentatious but effective improvement of traffic lanes and jumping hill in attack. These machines are the young people of the construction yard to help improve the "Dirt Bike" system to their liking.
A basic, expensive reconstruction of the Dirt-bike system is not planned, however. It was in the existing contacts between dirt bikers and city not required and would be financially viable because of the financial situation of the city anyway.
Leigh Extreme Curves Rar
A very special Monopoly Geilenkirchen
Today it was really alive in the town hall. A class of Janusz Korczak School came from the Jülich road down to the town hall to make me a gift that is truly unique: a Geilenkirchen-Monopoly! The boys and girls have a lot of time and energy, but invested mainly creativity to the game board, the pawns, houses and hotels, the event cards and play money producing it. All this is packaged in handmade boxes and in a beautiful wooden box. With the transfer of the gift in the small conference room of City Hall, there was also an opportunity to students about their hobbies and career aspirations to ask. The game is now not just stay in bed in my office. Rather, I am planning to auction it at the earliest opportunity and will have to send the proceeds to the Friends of the school. Many thanks to the three teachers of the class and all the girls and boys for the great idea and very good craftsmanship. You and Your visit has me much pleasure.

Today it was really alive in the town hall. A class of Janusz Korczak School came from the Jülich road down to the town hall to make me a gift that is truly unique: a Geilenkirchen-Monopoly! The boys and girls have a lot of time and energy, but invested mainly creativity to the game board, the pawns, houses and hotels, the event cards and play money producing it. All this is packaged in handmade boxes and in a beautiful wooden box. With the transfer of the gift in the small conference room of City Hall, there was also an opportunity to students about their hobbies and career aspirations to ask. The game is now not just stay in bed in my office. Rather, I am planning to auction it at the earliest opportunity and will have to send the proceeds to the Friends of the school. Many thanks to the three teachers of the class and all the girls and boys for the great idea and very good craftsmanship. You and Your visit has me much pleasure.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Linda Goodman Free Horoscope
on New Year's reception of the action Geilenkirchen eV
At today's New Year's reception of the action Geilenkirchen eV I had the very welcome opportunity to venture a view on the recent 2011. Especially important to me was there to make some notes on the budget situation. The current situation of the German soldiers on the base (want to fly to the ISAF mission and can not but should), I was also a concern. But first it was to say a big thank you. My response in part: Instead of me here ...."
spread over spilled milk or successful projects of last year, I would like to focus here on what we in this new year and as future issues in the next few years again and again - no matter whether by consensus or close to -. It will bring together not just a gesture of courtesy, but a genuine admiration and solidarity, if I start by thanking all those who have advanced this city last year: the many, many voluntary workers, the thousands of unpaid hours worked in the sports, social projects, in the living traditions and - last but not least - have been introduced into local politics, deserves special I would like at this point, of course, the work of the action group, which can be praised enough, to thank is the entrepreneurs of this city, which - from the "sausage-Marie" on the award-winning cheese shop and many promising start-ups to the medium-sized sparkling jewels such as in IT industry, the automotive sector, in laser technology and recent - in the trades, that this city is an excellent greenhouses for wonderful entrepreneurial plants - again, last but not least. The fertilizer to stay in the picture, your entrepreneurial spirit, this special impetus that you need to prevail and succeed. To all retail, trade and craft very much! Our city will remain sustainable by the combined expertise in all areas of health economics and the strong presence of the schools. Therefore, on behalf of all persons supplying services and the professions Here again, many thanks to all who are committed to the health and education in this city. And in the formation I would also specifically like those many include many students who make our city alive - and enrich our cultural life in concerts, exhibitions and theatrical performances - and show us every day that the future is to some extent already. We can see every day already, the future craftsmen, engineers, or even Presidents and Prince Carnival. You give our city a special dynamic, we are grateful. The soldiers of the two military organizations, I would like in a few moments come in perspective. Be sure that this will happen in the sense of great gratitude for their cooperation.
Ladies and Gentlemen, what is the year 2011 bring us? I begin again with the infrastructure, because the most visible and provide some discussions is:
- All switches are set so that we can inaugurate in November the Second phase of construction of the Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse. The work will cause traffic delays and noise in the city. Some will say: It's just cosmetics that make the town beautiful, and this in-house accounting perspective difficult times. Which should be said: With the redesign of the street a much needed Sewer connected. It is not just about the Attraktiverwerden, but to secure the future infrastructural
- 2011 is the year to be completed in the numerous projects that are funded by the economic stimulus package. They range from the toilet refurbishment in schools to highly visible façade renovation of the building Basten
- Another important concern is the DSL coverage of localities. Nothing would be the Council and the administration rather than fast DSL to bring in all the villages. Unfortunately, the funding for the equipment in 2011 only a few localities are rich. But still: A start is being made. We could feel pain in the last year by the way that the telecommunications industry Despite a very highly innovative images of conventional, tough chunks in negotiations.
- We will have to make it this year, in addition, despite the difficult budgetary situation of repairing the damage in the winter road system to bear on any case necessary road repairs. That sounds a bit like "bread and butter" problem is, but difficult to
Allow me to three other infrastructure projects in a different way to say something: since the town meetings on the proposed new wind turbines in the north and south of our city and on "phase I. Konrad-Adenauer-Straße" and "railway underpass Hünshoven" we must ask ourselves honestly, what about the representative significance of such events. How can we perceive the balance between approval and rejection of large projects in the public right? Is not it more likely that the rejection of a project are much more willing to go to a town meeting to avert a project? The year 2010 has shown us so much that is developing in Germany, a new protest culture, which - via the transmission belt of the media - quickly gains air superiority in the social discourse. We will also have to do in Geilenkirchen: local politics will advise, as the citizen participation on the subject III. Phase the inner city renewal (ie, the square in front of St. Ursula) and the railway underpass Hünshoven designed to have the representative body, namely the Council, a properly weighted basis for its decisions. My advice clearly to take advantage of in addition to the traditional forms of town meetings and the Web 2.0 technology to a whole wider population - reach - as well as young people. We must also do much to suggest that the complex information about upcoming projects, easily accessible and understandable.
Let me address two issues that will be important this year and beyond. I fail for ten other topics still roam and you the lecture of Dr. Cross still deny any longer. The municipal budget in 2011 is a first for advice and administration. For the first time Geilenkirchen will be required to submit a financial security concept. What does this mean? The city is to show that they are again a balanced budget by 2014, that is achieved in the black. But it will only be able to show that they can climb back € 8.7 million deficit at € 6 million. Geilenkirchen has badly shattered robust in recent decades. Two of us not be influenced factors, however, lead to now that the city with their budget now to some extent "in the short shirt in the rain" is: First, the newly introduced double-entry accounted for in our opening balance sheet for all mobile and immobile assets of the city, forcing the city to this write off. Secondly - and this is the more important factor - the social costs are rising across the country, and also here in Geilenkirchen, rapidly. The result? Geilenkirchen will present with the majority of the NRW municipalities not eligible for approval a budget backup policy. The municipal supervision - that district and county government - the city will undergo a set of rules that provides for: You must perform all required tasks, you are allowed per year, only two thirds of the amount put into investment projects that you have for the eradication your credit spend. They are then allowed to invest in 2011 only 900 thousand € to Geilenkirchen. And save the city must be the voluntary expenditure, so in sports, culture and club development. So: The lights will not go out, the schools are still heated, etc., but with the voluntary spending, we are not the Geil church leaders have spared cuts. And for new investments remains very little.
How to get out of this situation? The NRW government plans, the four-year deadline for reaching the black zero and set aside to meet with the local authorities of individual agreements over longer periods. Furthermore, countries are in negotiations with the federal government, shift to the social costs to where they arise, namely, the federal government - following the principle: Who ordered the music, they should pay. Then, still spoken by a lot of inter-community load balancing. As we veer mayors in the district Heinsberg no good, as compared to the cash position of the NRW cities we live on an island of the blessed. And we fear that we are in the situation of an indebted, which it is said: Do a few more debts, so your neighbors can help a lot worse indebted something. In contrast, ladies and gentlemen, we will defend ourselves.
But who in the face of such financial conditions then, calls for all remaining Finance to use on the maintenance of social harmony - Motto: For the worm box they have money, but for those in need not - fails to recognize that cities thrive only when and recover stronger from a non-self-inflicted crisis only be possible if she is not blind be in one eye. Finally, we will continue to be an attractive "greenhouse" for thriving businesses. Since conditions must be right as a whole, including sports, cultural and attractive city.
Speaking of attractive downtown. To her belongs attractive retail. The Economic Development Department supports the action group and individual investors in all Efforts to attract additional retail attractive to Geilenkirchen. If I now reports that a not insignificant Swiss retailer has hundreds of branches in the last year reacted very cautiously to the Anwerbeversuche from Geilenkirchen on the ground, the AWACS go soon away from Geilenkirchen, I'm on my last topic, in which the federal government, which play ISAF in Afghanistan and the WDR a role. Ladies and gentlemen, 2010 was a year in which the air of rumors about the E3A association often hummed only pretending. What we have is not all: The Dutch tabloid press would have heard me say that the association already in 15 years, go away, the press wanted Aachen have heard that 900 jobs will be deleted before the NATO summit in November, the WDR was back again with a hypothetical question: "What happens to Geilenkirchen, if the association goes away"? I then turned to the WDR director and now with the WDR Studio Aachen again the best ratio. But a lesson is it: The media rumor mill, combined with the personal opinions of citizens who do not know exactly, but to have all an opinion, seasoned kamer with the Dutch political banter in the 2de, all that is heard and seen and evaluated not only in Switzerland, but in the NATO countries, and the association and its site can only do harm. For what happened at the NATO summit? Nothing that would have made the association even in the vicinity of a weakening. The Dutch political banter has found its echo in the Wikileaks documents and led to some awkward moments in the Dutch policy. My experience from the year 2010 lead to the following appeal for 2011: Will we stay firmly in our solidarity with the E3A Association and the Verification Center, we do not get involved in speculation, we remain proud of our two peace-maintaining military units in Geilenkirchen, the name of our city to a worldwide "household be name "and a sympathetic symbol" GK "has had. And we are in solidarity with the more than 200 German soldiers in the flying personnel of the E3A-Union that - very well trained, committed and ready to fly - now have to stay on the ground, while the other national contingents participating in the ISAF support action, and after two years of preparation finally allowed to monitor the airspace over Afghanistan. I think we can all understand that the mood among the Germans on the base, I hear reliable these days is not optimal. It is unfortunate that domestic political issues - at the end of seven or even eight state elections paralyze the commitment of the Federal Republic to support this action - this year.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have noticed it, I am now very much "extra muros Geilenkirchen" now, and have shown that GK plays sometimes in the federal policy and the NATO. So I wanted to also build a bridge to the lecture by Dr. Helmut Grief, who will now approach our city a sense of the "google-earth" perspective. The action group and I wish you all continued success and thoroughly satisfying year 2011 and thank you for your attention. "
At today's New Year's reception of the action Geilenkirchen eV I had the very welcome opportunity to venture a view on the recent 2011. Especially important to me was there to make some notes on the budget situation. The current situation of the German soldiers on the base (want to fly to the ISAF mission and can not but should), I was also a concern. But first it was to say a big thank you. My response in part: Instead of me here ...."
spread over spilled milk or successful projects of last year, I would like to focus here on what we in this new year and as future issues in the next few years again and again - no matter whether by consensus or close to -. It will bring together not just a gesture of courtesy, but a genuine admiration and solidarity, if I start by thanking all those who have advanced this city last year: the many, many voluntary workers, the thousands of unpaid hours worked in the sports, social projects, in the living traditions and - last but not least - have been introduced into local politics, deserves special I would like at this point, of course, the work of the action group, which can be praised enough, to thank is the entrepreneurs of this city, which - from the "sausage-Marie" on the award-winning cheese shop and many promising start-ups to the medium-sized sparkling jewels such as in IT industry, the automotive sector, in laser technology and recent - in the trades, that this city is an excellent greenhouses for wonderful entrepreneurial plants - again, last but not least. The fertilizer to stay in the picture, your entrepreneurial spirit, this special impetus that you need to prevail and succeed. To all retail, trade and craft very much! Our city will remain sustainable by the combined expertise in all areas of health economics and the strong presence of the schools. Therefore, on behalf of all persons supplying services and the professions Here again, many thanks to all who are committed to the health and education in this city. And in the formation I would also specifically like those many include many students who make our city alive - and enrich our cultural life in concerts, exhibitions and theatrical performances - and show us every day that the future is to some extent already. We can see every day already, the future craftsmen, engineers, or even Presidents and Prince Carnival. You give our city a special dynamic, we are grateful. The soldiers of the two military organizations, I would like in a few moments come in perspective. Be sure that this will happen in the sense of great gratitude for their cooperation.
Ladies and Gentlemen, what is the year 2011 bring us? I begin again with the infrastructure, because the most visible and provide some discussions is:
- All switches are set so that we can inaugurate in November the Second phase of construction of the Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse. The work will cause traffic delays and noise in the city. Some will say: It's just cosmetics that make the town beautiful, and this in-house accounting perspective difficult times. Which should be said: With the redesign of the street a much needed Sewer connected. It is not just about the Attraktiverwerden, but to secure the future infrastructural
- 2011 is the year to be completed in the numerous projects that are funded by the economic stimulus package. They range from the toilet refurbishment in schools to highly visible façade renovation of the building Basten
- Another important concern is the DSL coverage of localities. Nothing would be the Council and the administration rather than fast DSL to bring in all the villages. Unfortunately, the funding for the equipment in 2011 only a few localities are rich. But still: A start is being made. We could feel pain in the last year by the way that the telecommunications industry Despite a very highly innovative images of conventional, tough chunks in negotiations.
- We will have to make it this year, in addition, despite the difficult budgetary situation of repairing the damage in the winter road system to bear on any case necessary road repairs. That sounds a bit like "bread and butter" problem is, but difficult to
Allow me to three other infrastructure projects in a different way to say something: since the town meetings on the proposed new wind turbines in the north and south of our city and on "phase I. Konrad-Adenauer-Straße" and "railway underpass Hünshoven" we must ask ourselves honestly, what about the representative significance of such events. How can we perceive the balance between approval and rejection of large projects in the public right? Is not it more likely that the rejection of a project are much more willing to go to a town meeting to avert a project? The year 2010 has shown us so much that is developing in Germany, a new protest culture, which - via the transmission belt of the media - quickly gains air superiority in the social discourse. We will also have to do in Geilenkirchen: local politics will advise, as the citizen participation on the subject III. Phase the inner city renewal (ie, the square in front of St. Ursula) and the railway underpass Hünshoven designed to have the representative body, namely the Council, a properly weighted basis for its decisions. My advice clearly to take advantage of in addition to the traditional forms of town meetings and the Web 2.0 technology to a whole wider population - reach - as well as young people. We must also do much to suggest that the complex information about upcoming projects, easily accessible and understandable.
Let me address two issues that will be important this year and beyond. I fail for ten other topics still roam and you the lecture of Dr. Cross still deny any longer. The municipal budget in 2011 is a first for advice and administration. For the first time Geilenkirchen will be required to submit a financial security concept. What does this mean? The city is to show that they are again a balanced budget by 2014, that is achieved in the black. But it will only be able to show that they can climb back € 8.7 million deficit at € 6 million. Geilenkirchen has badly shattered robust in recent decades. Two of us not be influenced factors, however, lead to now that the city with their budget now to some extent "in the short shirt in the rain" is: First, the newly introduced double-entry accounted for in our opening balance sheet for all mobile and immobile assets of the city, forcing the city to this write off. Secondly - and this is the more important factor - the social costs are rising across the country, and also here in Geilenkirchen, rapidly. The result? Geilenkirchen will present with the majority of the NRW municipalities not eligible for approval a budget backup policy. The municipal supervision - that district and county government - the city will undergo a set of rules that provides for: You must perform all required tasks, you are allowed per year, only two thirds of the amount put into investment projects that you have for the eradication your credit spend. They are then allowed to invest in 2011 only 900 thousand € to Geilenkirchen. And save the city must be the voluntary expenditure, so in sports, culture and club development. So: The lights will not go out, the schools are still heated, etc., but with the voluntary spending, we are not the Geil church leaders have spared cuts. And for new investments remains very little.
How to get out of this situation? The NRW government plans, the four-year deadline for reaching the black zero and set aside to meet with the local authorities of individual agreements over longer periods. Furthermore, countries are in negotiations with the federal government, shift to the social costs to where they arise, namely, the federal government - following the principle: Who ordered the music, they should pay. Then, still spoken by a lot of inter-community load balancing. As we veer mayors in the district Heinsberg no good, as compared to the cash position of the NRW cities we live on an island of the blessed. And we fear that we are in the situation of an indebted, which it is said: Do a few more debts, so your neighbors can help a lot worse indebted something. In contrast, ladies and gentlemen, we will defend ourselves.
But who in the face of such financial conditions then, calls for all remaining Finance to use on the maintenance of social harmony - Motto: For the worm box they have money, but for those in need not - fails to recognize that cities thrive only when and recover stronger from a non-self-inflicted crisis only be possible if she is not blind be in one eye. Finally, we will continue to be an attractive "greenhouse" for thriving businesses. Since conditions must be right as a whole, including sports, cultural and attractive city.
Speaking of attractive downtown. To her belongs attractive retail. The Economic Development Department supports the action group and individual investors in all Efforts to attract additional retail attractive to Geilenkirchen. If I now reports that a not insignificant Swiss retailer has hundreds of branches in the last year reacted very cautiously to the Anwerbeversuche from Geilenkirchen on the ground, the AWACS go soon away from Geilenkirchen, I'm on my last topic, in which the federal government, which play ISAF in Afghanistan and the WDR a role. Ladies and gentlemen, 2010 was a year in which the air of rumors about the E3A association often hummed only pretending. What we have is not all: The Dutch tabloid press would have heard me say that the association already in 15 years, go away, the press wanted Aachen have heard that 900 jobs will be deleted before the NATO summit in November, the WDR was back again with a hypothetical question: "What happens to Geilenkirchen, if the association goes away"? I then turned to the WDR director and now with the WDR Studio Aachen again the best ratio. But a lesson is it: The media rumor mill, combined with the personal opinions of citizens who do not know exactly, but to have all an opinion, seasoned kamer with the Dutch political banter in the 2de, all that is heard and seen and evaluated not only in Switzerland, but in the NATO countries, and the association and its site can only do harm. For what happened at the NATO summit? Nothing that would have made the association even in the vicinity of a weakening. The Dutch political banter has found its echo in the Wikileaks documents and led to some awkward moments in the Dutch policy. My experience from the year 2010 lead to the following appeal for 2011: Will we stay firmly in our solidarity with the E3A Association and the Verification Center, we do not get involved in speculation, we remain proud of our two peace-maintaining military units in Geilenkirchen, the name of our city to a worldwide "household be name "and a sympathetic symbol" GK "has had. And we are in solidarity with the more than 200 German soldiers in the flying personnel of the E3A-Union that - very well trained, committed and ready to fly - now have to stay on the ground, while the other national contingents participating in the ISAF support action, and after two years of preparation finally allowed to monitor the airspace over Afghanistan. I think we can all understand that the mood among the Germans on the base, I hear reliable these days is not optimal. It is unfortunate that domestic political issues - at the end of seven or even eight state elections paralyze the commitment of the Federal Republic to support this action - this year.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have noticed it, I am now very much "extra muros Geilenkirchen" now, and have shown that GK plays sometimes in the federal policy and the NATO. So I wanted to also build a bridge to the lecture by Dr. Helmut Grief, who will now approach our city a sense of the "google-earth" perspective. The action group and I wish you all continued success and thoroughly satisfying year 2011 and thank you for your attention. "
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Unremove Post On Facebook
Amelie finally a post and finally get stitched
oh dear, here 's actually nothing going on
New Year's resolution, more regularly sew and blog and comment on the number of my
Regular readers shrinks enormously to himself, sniff los
unfortunately began our year not so hot. Hats but struck down the entire family. Is not really funny when all four simultaneously NEN nasty stomach virus .... but have now all is again well
can and here I show you also what small, stitched. If and again not for us, but for a swap.
MugRugs, now I also had to follow this trend * g *
created a set of 4's is in orange-brown-beige-brodeaux on it with coffee cup.
and then I have a couple of orders processed, which were so quickly that I had no time for photos (or have not thought about it ).... I have to work is next. .. I'm getting old and forgetful .... tztztz
oh dear, here 's actually nothing going on
New Year's resolution, more regularly sew and blog and comment on the number of my
Regular readers shrinks enormously to himself, sniff los
unfortunately began our year not so hot. Hats but struck down the entire family. Is not really funny when all four simultaneously NEN nasty stomach virus .... but have now all is again well
can and here I show you also what small, stitched. If and again not for us, but for a swap.
MugRugs, now I also had to follow this trend * g *
created a set of 4's is in orange-brown-beige-brodeaux on it with coffee cup.
and then I have a couple of orders processed, which were so quickly that I had no time for photos (or have not thought about it ).... I have to work is next. .. I'm getting old and forgetful .... tztztz
Friday, January 14, 2011
Can You Put A Snowblower On A F250
Our garden in January
The Garden in January
The Witch Hazel - Hamamelis - together with the winter snow ball and the winter jasmine, the first flowering shrub in the garden and provides food for the early starters among the bees.
More About my work as a garden consultant and landscape architect:
Waas Space Planning - Gardens to life
"Three things have stayed with us from paradise:
the stars of the night, the flowers of the day and
the eyes of children"
(Dante Alighieri of)
the stars of the night, the flowers of the day and
the eyes of children"
(Dante Alighieri of)
The Garden in January
It is the ideal time to plant trees (if the ground is not frozen).
in the house can start one, flowers and paprika preferable
Outside I clean off some of the flower beds, but only when the leaves lying thick and I have to worry whether the green onions come through well.
right properly I do not do that. Only the worst off the top. Leaves are indeed protection from winter cold - and with the count must be even longer.
What tailings comes on the compost or right back in the bushes.
It does all the shrubs and flower beds well if you are now supplied with horn shavings. Ca. 3-4 handfuls per square meter range for optimum nitrogen supply throughout the year.
find work in the vegetable garden at vegetable garden in January
It does all the shrubs and flower beds well if you are now supplied with horn shavings. Ca. 3-4 handfuls per square meter range for optimum nitrogen supply throughout the year.
find work in the vegetable garden at vegetable garden in January
you all a great January!
No - for us at the Christmas roses bloom in the garden yet - they do have buds, but it has become again very cold. I was shopping and I have a gift Helleborus niger:
daffodils push their already shoots from the ground: No - for us at the Christmas roses bloom in the garden yet - they do have buds, but it has become again very cold. I was shopping and I have a gift Helleborus niger:
Christmas roses in the garden are about to bloom:
We already have very mild days - since coming to spring fever!
We were already working in the garden and the seed packets I have already sorted. More About my work as a garden consultant and landscape architect:
Waas Space Planning - Gardens to life
Why My Lcd Tv Keeps Turning On And Off
Municipal finance - how to get out of misery?
From 396 municipalities in NRW are already to get 137 no longer in a position to approve a financial assurance concept, meaning they can no way to show how they will show in a period of 4 years that a balanced budget. 35 municipalities in NRW are already in debt, ie they will one Nothaushalt. Only 8 municipalities in NRW can provide even a balanced budget (revenues equal to expenses).
already the previous government in NRW had invited two professors, guidance and Junker Henry, to show ways out of this never before seen so much financial crisis. In the State in Dusseldorf and the interior minister and local hunters now waiting for the arrival of the opinion. Even before its publication but the four ways out of financial crisis are known, will propose that the report:
a) The federal government must be based on social spending
part b) the country has its municipal finance rearrange
c) there must be a financial balance between the local authorities give
d) the municipalities must provide debt relief concepts
yesterday said Minister hunters at local political forum of the NRW Bank in D'dorf how his house, the most important steps presented to the redesign of municipal finance:
e), the country has already 300 million € for distressed municipalities willing and wants to put in a "pact strengthen city finances," another 3000 - to 400 million available . Make They should not be poured on the troubled cities and municipalities, but rather requires that the participating municipalities to participate actively with a consolidation plan.
f) no other state has such a strict time regime for the restoration of a balanced budget in a community, as only other state in general, Saxony-Anhalt, a time limit and control calls for financial recovery within nine years. NRW will have available the same result but in four (!) Years. Thus, most municipalities eligible for approval without financial backup policy to cope - even Geilenkirchen can not lift in four years. This is why Hunter, Minister with the approval of the municipal associations and the mayor in NRW for one to tip such period regulation. The municipalities would then have to prove their municipal supervision as they come together in a defined time limit again to balance the budget.
Another proposal came yesterday by Herman Horn, Mayor of Kamen: The country should but all costs are not part of "Cash Flow" of an urban household, remove from the calculation of debt. Most municipalities namely groan under depreciation for property on which they could not separate at all, such as roads. If these write-downs not included would, would, some authorities off the hook and could be eligible for approval to submit a financial security concept. Other participants in the discussion yesterday, but saw it as a return to old cameralistics and saw the benefits of double-entry bookkeeping in danger.
But if local authorities as Geilenkirchen have badly shattered decades reasonable and then through a system change (from the cameralistics to double-entry) are forced to an opening balance sheet, which it refers immediately to secure the budget, then one can understand that Hermann Horn yesterday got a lot of sympathy points. For
Geilenkirchen could be a significant advantage in it when the four-year rule is abolished. With a longer Deadline for achieving a balanced budget could (run out of depreciation periods) the city by gradually eliminating the write-downs nose financially get back above water.
why the eunuch, and I hope that the modifications to the Municipal Code NRW (§ 76) is implemented as quickly as possible.
From 396 municipalities in NRW are already to get 137 no longer in a position to approve a financial assurance concept, meaning they can no way to show how they will show in a period of 4 years that a balanced budget. 35 municipalities in NRW are already in debt, ie they will one Nothaushalt. Only 8 municipalities in NRW can provide even a balanced budget (revenues equal to expenses).
already the previous government in NRW had invited two professors, guidance and Junker Henry, to show ways out of this never before seen so much financial crisis. In the State in Dusseldorf and the interior minister and local hunters now waiting for the arrival of the opinion. Even before its publication but the four ways out of financial crisis are known, will propose that the report:
a) The federal government must be based on social spending
part b) the country has its municipal finance rearrange
c) there must be a financial balance between the local authorities give
d) the municipalities must provide debt relief concepts
yesterday said Minister hunters at local political forum of the NRW Bank in D'dorf how his house, the most important steps presented to the redesign of municipal finance:
e), the country has already 300 million € for distressed municipalities willing and wants to put in a "pact strengthen city finances," another 3000 - to 400 million available . Make They should not be poured on the troubled cities and municipalities, but rather requires that the participating municipalities to participate actively with a consolidation plan.
f) no other state has such a strict time regime for the restoration of a balanced budget in a community, as only other state in general, Saxony-Anhalt, a time limit and control calls for financial recovery within nine years. NRW will have available the same result but in four (!) Years. Thus, most municipalities eligible for approval without financial backup policy to cope - even Geilenkirchen can not lift in four years. This is why Hunter, Minister with the approval of the municipal associations and the mayor in NRW for one to tip such period regulation. The municipalities would then have to prove their municipal supervision as they come together in a defined time limit again to balance the budget.
Another proposal came yesterday by Herman Horn, Mayor of Kamen: The country should but all costs are not part of "Cash Flow" of an urban household, remove from the calculation of debt. Most municipalities namely groan under depreciation for property on which they could not separate at all, such as roads. If these write-downs not included would, would, some authorities off the hook and could be eligible for approval to submit a financial security concept. Other participants in the discussion yesterday, but saw it as a return to old cameralistics and saw the benefits of double-entry bookkeeping in danger.
But if local authorities as Geilenkirchen have badly shattered decades reasonable and then through a system change (from the cameralistics to double-entry) are forced to an opening balance sheet, which it refers immediately to secure the budget, then one can understand that Hermann Horn yesterday got a lot of sympathy points. For
Geilenkirchen could be a significant advantage in it when the four-year rule is abolished. With a longer Deadline for achieving a balanced budget could (run out of depreciation periods) the city by gradually eliminating the write-downs nose financially get back above water.
why the eunuch, and I hope that the modifications to the Municipal Code NRW (§ 76) is implemented as quickly as possible.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Kates Playground Red Hells
demolition of old extra-market partial closure of the Bailiwick Road
was established on 01.11.2011, that has widened the gap between the paved roadway and the paved parking lots in the Bailiwick of longitudinal road in the amount of the old extra-plot about 1 cm.
is probably the Bailiwick of road retaining wall in the course of construction works were affected in their function.
to avoid that the road does more damage, it was partially blocked on the side of the longitudinal slots. At the construction site side recycling material for stabilization was piled against the retaining wall.
The exact cause of development and appropriate solutions will be examined today by a certified expert.
was established on 01.11.2011, that has widened the gap between the paved roadway and the paved parking lots in the Bailiwick of longitudinal road in the amount of the old extra-plot about 1 cm.
is probably the Bailiwick of road retaining wall in the course of construction works were affected in their function.
to avoid that the road does more damage, it was partially blocked on the side of the longitudinal slots. At the construction site side recycling material for stabilization was piled against the retaining wall.
The exact cause of development and appropriate solutions will be examined today by a certified expert.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Shiny Evee In Pokemon Diamond
slippery roads this morning, But a new salt is here!
this morning because of the sudden crimper the last crumbs were scattered salt. Meanwhile, the administration opened two new sources of supply and is now awaiting the delivery of 100 tons of salt by the end of January. More precisely, 74 tons, for this afternoon has already received the first long-awaited road train with 26 tons of cargo to the building yard.
this morning because of the sudden crimper the last crumbs were scattered salt. Meanwhile, the administration opened two new sources of supply and is now awaiting the delivery of 100 tons of salt by the end of January. More precisely, 74 tons, for this afternoon has already received the first long-awaited road train with 26 tons of cargo to the building yard.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Black Shirt With Violet Tie
After the snow has increased nationwide for the snow
When New Year's reception at the city Baesweiler 3.01. I could in conversation with colleagues to determine from the region that the subjective sensation led the onset of winter, and after Christmas, not only in Geilenkirchen, but everywhere to reactions in the citizenship under the following motto: "Elsewhere, everything is better at home is all crap "We have a mayor part, sorry to find other relief that everywhere the same name-calling turned onto the city was building yards and all communities equally suffered from the salt shortage.
I have in recent days, all accrued with me Criticisms once collected and compiled factual information. This information is listed below.
order in the next winter, which could indeed start in a few days to stand not only with the few remaining tons of salt, we look for tirelessly for alternative salt supplier to us - of existing, but unfulfilled contracts with major suppliers also - may provide short-term salt. Local entrepreneurs in the construction industry, the knowledge of the market help us in this search. Together we have the ear of the market and want to react quickly.
Meanwhile the yard working intensively to the removal of the face as persistence icy remnants of snow on the roadsides and parks. So no break in the men from the building that have my great respect.
And here are the questions and answers about the winter in our city:
first Takes place in Geilenkirchen a winter service instead, which is comparable to other communities?
subject to the staff and equipment and winter maintenance of the review by the municipality to the municipal supervision and testing institution by the state of NRW. The GPA has for Geilenkirchen found no difference in the resources of the winter maintenance compared to other municipalities.
Geilenkirchen but shares with many other area communities in NRW a handicap when winter: relatively low population density, large number of individual towns, roads in the jurisdiction of the municipality, district or country. Comparisons between Geilenkirchen and neighboring communities with significantly less Räumkilometern a comparable population (eg Übach-Palenberg, Baesweiler, Alsdorf) limp therefore a priori. However, were stronger in these municipalities still compacted at 29.12. determine how similar Räumzustände in Geilenkirchen.
could Even in large cities such as Essen and Dusseldorf on the 28th I 12. notice in the same residential areas Räumstatus as in Geilenkirchen: frozen snow cover with icing directly on the asphalt, no salt or grit application, street crossings difficult due to snow accumulation on the curb edges due Räumtätigkeit of residents.
second Is the city responsible for snow removal at the county or country roads?
The responsibility for winter maintenance on the county or country roads in the city of Geilenkirchen is located in the district of Heinsberg and the maps were NRW. Observations from citizens, after which clearance vehicles drove over the raised plow blade uncleared roads are covered on these different responsibilities due. Such vehicles are on the way to or from their use routes.
third What criteria will be cleared on municipal roads in Geilenkirchen?
overriding principle is the respect of road safety obligations under the road and street law NRW (§ 9, para 1 and 3):
"(1) The road construction includes all the construction and maintenance related tasks. The support for road construction have to build their capacity to the streets in a regular traffic need the sufficient condition to build and strengthen, expand or otherwise improve, and to entertain. As far as this, they taking into account their performance are incapable, they have to refer to the non-roadworthy condition unless otherwise orders of the traffic authorities by traffic signs or traffic facilities. ...
(3) The support for road construction are best efforts to evacuate them under paragraph 1 incumbent tasks, in snow and ice and spread. The provisions of the Act remain unaffected for the cleaning of public roads. "
Unlike what many people believe the citizens, there is no legal right to clearing of roads. Also means the restoration of the trafficability of roads not the complete thawing of snow and Eisbelags by application of salt or grit. In NRW includes "navigability" one that can be expected with disabilities or in places with a closed snow cover must. At all levels of competence, ie the District, Circle and here in Geilenkirchen is as an organizing principle:
busy roads, dangerous slope or slopes, and drifts through vulnerable sections take precedence over little-used roads. On the other hand, has to work the winter maintenance cost to achieve with the resources deployed an optimum. Short turnaround times, elimination of air travel, the greatest possible coverage of the network are important criteria.
in Geilenkirchen is made between three levels of urgency frequency and importance for inner-city traffic. Under extremely unfavorable conditions such as snow on 24 and 25.12. There may be delays in the evacuation of the downstream levels of urgency.
The winter maintenance of urban construction yard is carried out according to a precise operational plan. The movements of the individual clearance vehicles are recorded with GPS devices and are always documented. The operational plan also provides for manual clearance before a troop of hard to reach places.
4th What to do with the snow?
Multiple criticism was that the snowplows push snow from the roadsides and sidewalks cleared of residents already. This was the pedestrians crossing the roads and motorists leaving their properties difficult.
work after the above mentioned principles of the winter after a cascade of urgency, in which the clearing of roads, particularly of dangerous points and priority is the evacuation of crossing points, bus bays, etc. downstream. This meant that the blades free of such bodies by hand only after the intensive clearance phase on 24 and 25.12. . Done The consideration of driveways, walkways or already cleared Crossings at Räumeinsatz with dozer blade would slow the progress of the clearance significantly. Here's to the understanding of citizens to appeal to the common good (to maintain safety on public roads) before the individual interests (garage entrance free) occurs.
have begun Chance of municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia in the days after Christmas so that, after the evictions wegzutransportieren the accumulated snow mountains and deposited in the open. This is necessary because of the involvement of foreign companies expensive procedure that is also environmentally problematic, because snow is charged after a hospital stay of several days with pollutants in the subsequent defrosting May pollute rivers. In Switzerland, this method is therefore prohibited in several cantons.
is economically and ecologically sensible of the temporary waiver of a portion of parking and the pushing together of snow on individual car parks. This is in Geilenkirchen in many places also practiced Sun
for the areas of parking lots that belong to supermarkets, is - against the wishes of isolated complainant - not the city, but property owners are responsible. In fact remained uncleared after Christmas, many such parking spaces in Geilenkirchen.
5th Does the City also hazards on roads that are not cleared by the constitution?
This question was asked several times and concerns such as steep routes or trips to the Flower Street Park and the routes to school and access facilities for garbage truck. For the purposes of the above traffic control, requires the removal of such bodies with in the operational plans of the winter service. Due to the evacuation of school buildings has been postponed in recent days because of school holidays, however. Everywhere in the NRW waste disposal company complaining about the poor accessibility of garbage and slips and accidents on roads in residential areas. Geilenkirchen were complaints about not emptied garbage cans with a few isolated cases so far off. There are other local considerations on the establishment of special stowage areas for garbage cans in a strong adverse effect due to snow. The town of Geilenkirchen is evaluated with the waste management company operating here the experience of recent weeks and appealed to the attention up to that of their fellow citizens in the preparation of the waste container. Sometimes, a few yards to make the barrels emptying easier and safer.
6th How did it come to the salt shortage? The city has been asleep?
The town of Geilenkirchen in the summer of 2010, the opportunities for storage 400-500 t salt reviewed in order to stock with a sufficiently large amount. The hiring hall space was not possible for two reasons: first attacks mounted, the metal salt of hangars on aggressive. Second, prone to caking stored salt that is not consumed in a year if it is not housed in a hermetically sealed, dry timber hall, and is no longer capable of scattering. Such a timber hall was not to rent. Instead, the city of Geilenkirchen has purchased an additional silo and doubled the amount of the pre-salt reservoir held over 2009 fast. At the same time, the city of Geilenkirchen in a purchasing consortium of municipalities in the district Heinsberg and contracts for the supply of the experience of the harsh winter of 2009 with sufficient amount of the largest salt company in North West Europe. By avoiding such a contractual commitment to the communities costly suspensions of silo capacities for the entire year's supply. This principle has until December works: The company delivered more than 1 million tons of salt on early booking and had over 2009 zusätzlich100.000 tonnes more than planned production. The unusually early and in several waves of winter running all contracts and pension plans, however, made a dash through the bill. The contractual amounts are already provided (for up to a truck of 25 t Geilenkirchen). The producer is waiting for shipments from Chile as a relief.
The salt stock is a matter of risk assessment. All local authorities and state enterprises were warned by the harsh winter of 2009 and have to order the quantities increased. Everywhere in Germany, but also in Belgium and Luxembourg, must now deal with the salt very economical. The remaining stock in storage in Geilenkirchen must serve for the next heavy snowfall and may now only be used for de-icing of vulnerable points.
7th Why not spread the city granules, gravel or sand?
granules or chips are kept at present in an amount of 50 tons in yard and to with the next snowfall of dangerous points are used. Such materials have but one serious disadvantage: they clog the drains after defrosting. The subsequent cleaning costs would be substantial. The use of numbing agents is seen by homeowners do not like, granular, grit and sand are but a reputation to damage floors if they are brought by street shoes into the house.
8th What can we learn from the onset of winter?
The Management Board, in its meeting held on 27.12. agreed on four measures that are now considered appropriate and subject to Council decisions in 2011 can be implemented:
a) for the visibility of the line profile of connecting roads between towns are punting for use come
b) the CDU has suggested snow fencing along roads with particular frequency of snow banks and the purchase and contractual agreements with property owners to installation of such fences are checked
c) the city of Geilenkirchen is the neighboring municipalities in the district of inter-communal use (rental) to propose maybe even the joint construction of a wooden hall to store road salt in sufficient quantities in the southern county
d) to service certain Räumstrecken in the villages are Agreements are made with farmers who are equipped with dozer blade and can relieve the yard. The
received by the city reviews and issues are carefully evaluated and incorporated into future planning for continuous improvement of the winter service.
management and policy will have to consider very carefully how far the city of Geilenkirchen will be upgraded in the future deployment of personnel and material (comparable to the standards in states with harsh winters, such as Bavaria or Saxony) and received at the same time the risk will, the household with to charge expenses we held later in mild winters as totally useless be. Geilenkirchen behaves in the risk assessment and practical use of winter maintenance as far as the large majority of municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia, even if this attempt to refute the subjective opinions of individuals.
When New Year's reception at the city Baesweiler 3.01. I could in conversation with colleagues to determine from the region that the subjective sensation led the onset of winter, and after Christmas, not only in Geilenkirchen, but everywhere to reactions in the citizenship under the following motto: "Elsewhere, everything is better at home is all crap "We have a mayor part, sorry to find other relief that everywhere the same name-calling turned onto the city was building yards and all communities equally suffered from the salt shortage.
I have in recent days, all accrued with me Criticisms once collected and compiled factual information. This information is listed below.
order in the next winter, which could indeed start in a few days to stand not only with the few remaining tons of salt, we look for tirelessly for alternative salt supplier to us - of existing, but unfulfilled contracts with major suppliers also - may provide short-term salt. Local entrepreneurs in the construction industry, the knowledge of the market help us in this search. Together we have the ear of the market and want to react quickly.
Meanwhile the yard working intensively to the removal of the face as persistence icy remnants of snow on the roadsides and parks. So no break in the men from the building that have my great respect.
And here are the questions and answers about the winter in our city:
first Takes place in Geilenkirchen a winter service instead, which is comparable to other communities?
subject to the staff and equipment and winter maintenance of the review by the municipality to the municipal supervision and testing institution by the state of NRW. The GPA has for Geilenkirchen found no difference in the resources of the winter maintenance compared to other municipalities.
Geilenkirchen but shares with many other area communities in NRW a handicap when winter: relatively low population density, large number of individual towns, roads in the jurisdiction of the municipality, district or country. Comparisons between Geilenkirchen and neighboring communities with significantly less Räumkilometern a comparable population (eg Übach-Palenberg, Baesweiler, Alsdorf) limp therefore a priori. However, were stronger in these municipalities still compacted at 29.12. determine how similar Räumzustände in Geilenkirchen.
could Even in large cities such as Essen and Dusseldorf on the 28th I 12. notice in the same residential areas Räumstatus as in Geilenkirchen: frozen snow cover with icing directly on the asphalt, no salt or grit application, street crossings difficult due to snow accumulation on the curb edges due Räumtätigkeit of residents.
second Is the city responsible for snow removal at the county or country roads?
The responsibility for winter maintenance on the county or country roads in the city of Geilenkirchen is located in the district of Heinsberg and the maps were NRW. Observations from citizens, after which clearance vehicles drove over the raised plow blade uncleared roads are covered on these different responsibilities due. Such vehicles are on the way to or from their use routes.
third What criteria will be cleared on municipal roads in Geilenkirchen?
overriding principle is the respect of road safety obligations under the road and street law NRW (§ 9, para 1 and 3):
"(1) The road construction includes all the construction and maintenance related tasks. The support for road construction have to build their capacity to the streets in a regular traffic need the sufficient condition to build and strengthen, expand or otherwise improve, and to entertain. As far as this, they taking into account their performance are incapable, they have to refer to the non-roadworthy condition unless otherwise orders of the traffic authorities by traffic signs or traffic facilities. ...
(3) The support for road construction are best efforts to evacuate them under paragraph 1 incumbent tasks, in snow and ice and spread. The provisions of the Act remain unaffected for the cleaning of public roads. "
Unlike what many people believe the citizens, there is no legal right to clearing of roads. Also means the restoration of the trafficability of roads not the complete thawing of snow and Eisbelags by application of salt or grit. In NRW includes "navigability" one that can be expected with disabilities or in places with a closed snow cover must. At all levels of competence, ie the District, Circle and here in Geilenkirchen is as an organizing principle:
busy roads, dangerous slope or slopes, and drifts through vulnerable sections take precedence over little-used roads. On the other hand, has to work the winter maintenance cost to achieve with the resources deployed an optimum. Short turnaround times, elimination of air travel, the greatest possible coverage of the network are important criteria.
in Geilenkirchen is made between three levels of urgency frequency and importance for inner-city traffic. Under extremely unfavorable conditions such as snow on 24 and 25.12. There may be delays in the evacuation of the downstream levels of urgency.
The winter maintenance of urban construction yard is carried out according to a precise operational plan. The movements of the individual clearance vehicles are recorded with GPS devices and are always documented. The operational plan also provides for manual clearance before a troop of hard to reach places.
4th What to do with the snow?
Multiple criticism was that the snowplows push snow from the roadsides and sidewalks cleared of residents already. This was the pedestrians crossing the roads and motorists leaving their properties difficult.
work after the above mentioned principles of the winter after a cascade of urgency, in which the clearing of roads, particularly of dangerous points and priority is the evacuation of crossing points, bus bays, etc. downstream. This meant that the blades free of such bodies by hand only after the intensive clearance phase on 24 and 25.12. . Done The consideration of driveways, walkways or already cleared Crossings at Räumeinsatz with dozer blade would slow the progress of the clearance significantly. Here's to the understanding of citizens to appeal to the common good (to maintain safety on public roads) before the individual interests (garage entrance free) occurs.
have begun Chance of municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia in the days after Christmas so that, after the evictions wegzutransportieren the accumulated snow mountains and deposited in the open. This is necessary because of the involvement of foreign companies expensive procedure that is also environmentally problematic, because snow is charged after a hospital stay of several days with pollutants in the subsequent defrosting May pollute rivers. In Switzerland, this method is therefore prohibited in several cantons.
is economically and ecologically sensible of the temporary waiver of a portion of parking and the pushing together of snow on individual car parks. This is in Geilenkirchen in many places also practiced Sun
for the areas of parking lots that belong to supermarkets, is - against the wishes of isolated complainant - not the city, but property owners are responsible. In fact remained uncleared after Christmas, many such parking spaces in Geilenkirchen.
5th Does the City also hazards on roads that are not cleared by the constitution?
This question was asked several times and concerns such as steep routes or trips to the Flower Street Park and the routes to school and access facilities for garbage truck. For the purposes of the above traffic control, requires the removal of such bodies with in the operational plans of the winter service. Due to the evacuation of school buildings has been postponed in recent days because of school holidays, however. Everywhere in the NRW waste disposal company complaining about the poor accessibility of garbage and slips and accidents on roads in residential areas. Geilenkirchen were complaints about not emptied garbage cans with a few isolated cases so far off. There are other local considerations on the establishment of special stowage areas for garbage cans in a strong adverse effect due to snow. The town of Geilenkirchen is evaluated with the waste management company operating here the experience of recent weeks and appealed to the attention up to that of their fellow citizens in the preparation of the waste container. Sometimes, a few yards to make the barrels emptying easier and safer.
6th How did it come to the salt shortage? The city has been asleep?
The town of Geilenkirchen in the summer of 2010, the opportunities for storage 400-500 t salt reviewed in order to stock with a sufficiently large amount. The hiring hall space was not possible for two reasons: first attacks mounted, the metal salt of hangars on aggressive. Second, prone to caking stored salt that is not consumed in a year if it is not housed in a hermetically sealed, dry timber hall, and is no longer capable of scattering. Such a timber hall was not to rent. Instead, the city of Geilenkirchen has purchased an additional silo and doubled the amount of the pre-salt reservoir held over 2009 fast. At the same time, the city of Geilenkirchen in a purchasing consortium of municipalities in the district Heinsberg and contracts for the supply of the experience of the harsh winter of 2009 with sufficient amount of the largest salt company in North West Europe. By avoiding such a contractual commitment to the communities costly suspensions of silo capacities for the entire year's supply. This principle has until December works: The company delivered more than 1 million tons of salt on early booking and had over 2009 zusätzlich100.000 tonnes more than planned production. The unusually early and in several waves of winter running all contracts and pension plans, however, made a dash through the bill. The contractual amounts are already provided (for up to a truck of 25 t Geilenkirchen). The producer is waiting for shipments from Chile as a relief.
The salt stock is a matter of risk assessment. All local authorities and state enterprises were warned by the harsh winter of 2009 and have to order the quantities increased. Everywhere in Germany, but also in Belgium and Luxembourg, must now deal with the salt very economical. The remaining stock in storage in Geilenkirchen must serve for the next heavy snowfall and may now only be used for de-icing of vulnerable points.
7th Why not spread the city granules, gravel or sand?
granules or chips are kept at present in an amount of 50 tons in yard and to with the next snowfall of dangerous points are used. Such materials have but one serious disadvantage: they clog the drains after defrosting. The subsequent cleaning costs would be substantial. The use of numbing agents is seen by homeowners do not like, granular, grit and sand are but a reputation to damage floors if they are brought by street shoes into the house.
8th What can we learn from the onset of winter?
The Management Board, in its meeting held on 27.12. agreed on four measures that are now considered appropriate and subject to Council decisions in 2011 can be implemented:
a) for the visibility of the line profile of connecting roads between towns are punting for use come
b) the CDU has suggested snow fencing along roads with particular frequency of snow banks and the purchase and contractual agreements with property owners to installation of such fences are checked
c) the city of Geilenkirchen is the neighboring municipalities in the district of inter-communal use (rental) to propose maybe even the joint construction of a wooden hall to store road salt in sufficient quantities in the southern county
d) to service certain Räumstrecken in the villages are Agreements are made with farmers who are equipped with dozer blade and can relieve the yard. The
received by the city reviews and issues are carefully evaluated and incorporated into future planning for continuous improvement of the winter service.
management and policy will have to consider very carefully how far the city of Geilenkirchen will be upgraded in the future deployment of personnel and material (comparable to the standards in states with harsh winters, such as Bavaria or Saxony) and received at the same time the risk will, the household with to charge expenses we held later in mild winters as totally useless be. Geilenkirchen behaves in the risk assessment and practical use of winter maintenance as far as the large majority of municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia, even if this attempt to refute the subjective opinions of individuals.
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expenditure of children and youth services
comparison to the year 2009, the expenditure of federal, state and local children's and youth work in the past year increased by 9.4% to € 26.9 billion. It is the largest increase, namely to 20.6% recorded in the field of risk into care at the child, were issued in 2009 to 142 million €.
in Geilenkirchen, we also recorded in the last two years a dramatic increase in the number of cases in the youth services. While the number of cases in the nearly full-time care remained the same, the numbers of outpatient support increased steadily from 42 in January 2008 to 112 (!) In the summer of 2010. In the case of residential care had to Geilenkirchen an increase by 76% in two years recorded, even more so than the nationwide trend. This trend should be viewed with one eye because of the increasing burden on the city's budget for the tasks of the youth services, but especially with mixed emotions, he pushes it across the country and here in Geilenkirchen, the increasing strength of the sensitivity in the population for cases the risks to the child and sets the good cooperation between all those involved in youth work - youth welfare, schools, bars, etc. - to the test.
When the increasingly difficult financial conditions in our city must provide the specialist agencies of the Government of the balancing act between cost consciousness on the one hand and appropriate assistance in all cases. A deterioration in the performance standards is certainly not in question.
comparison to the year 2009, the expenditure of federal, state and local children's and youth work in the past year increased by 9.4% to € 26.9 billion. It is the largest increase, namely to 20.6% recorded in the field of risk into care at the child, were issued in 2009 to 142 million €.
in Geilenkirchen, we also recorded in the last two years a dramatic increase in the number of cases in the youth services. While the number of cases in the nearly full-time care remained the same, the numbers of outpatient support increased steadily from 42 in January 2008 to 112 (!) In the summer of 2010. In the case of residential care had to Geilenkirchen an increase by 76% in two years recorded, even more so than the nationwide trend. This trend should be viewed with one eye because of the increasing burden on the city's budget for the tasks of the youth services, but especially with mixed emotions, he pushes it across the country and here in Geilenkirchen, the increasing strength of the sensitivity in the population for cases the risks to the child and sets the good cooperation between all those involved in youth work - youth welfare, schools, bars, etc. - to the test.
When the increasingly difficult financial conditions in our city must provide the specialist agencies of the Government of the balancing act between cost consciousness on the one hand and appropriate assistance in all cases. A deterioration in the performance standards is certainly not in question.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
What Kind Of Cheese Does East Side Marios Use ?
vegetable garden in January
January in the Vegetable Garden:
To do:
garden bed plan can
make soil sample
sift seeds and add
germination test for seed
mid-January peppers sow
end of January salads sow
Jan 20
pepper seeded (see below)
Jan 30
We have again peppers nachgesät Because too few have been merged.
Then we tried the new Erdpresse (from Nixdorf) and equal to the first
salads sown. The Erdpresse works the way very well.
peppers soak
pepper seeds about 24 hours in chamomile tea. This shortens the germination time.
sow in warm soil cultivation, position it in a warm place. Ca. 23-25 degrees.
evenly moist and keep warm - as long as they are not germinated, I put them in the closet - where it is warm, but dark.
from germination then warm up and very bright. If necessary, help out with plant bulbs.
transplant have once been formed in addition to the two cotyledons or 2 correct leaves.
planting earlier than mid-May.
today pointed the first pepper seedlings from the ground:
sowing all on 20.1.
24.1. Variety Daisy F1 - 3 pieces of 3 seed - the only variety that germinates well.
1.26 grade magic breakfast -. 2 pcs of 6 seeds
27.1. Vlasta summer varieties and gold - each with 1 piece of 3 seeds
planning garden beds and crop rotation:
complicated families: cabbage family, Umbelliferae (carrots, for example) and Schmetterlingsblüter (beans),
vegetables that belong to these three families may only every 3-4 years again in the same bed.
wander why these three families in the course of 4 years each of the whole vegetable gardens with 4 beds.
three beds of vegetables - 1 each bed with green manure for recreation.
The family emigrated from this year so a flower bed next year to bed 2, 3 and then to bed to bed last fourth Only then back to bed first As I said, one of the beds has failed to ever break and should recover. This is also good for beneficial insects and looks pretty off when phacelia, or Tagetes marigolds among the vegetables shine through.
By by family crop rotation can prevent species-typical diseases and pests multiply too much, or soil exhaustion occurs.
The leek leafminer overwinters as in the earth and is looking forward, next spring back to nibble on garlic - but yah that is not there anymore, but far away in the next bed. Too easy I will make my players do not even now.
same time, the strong-weak Wearmouth Wearmouth Wearmouth-medium-order (See below) guarantees.
eg all members of the cabbage family have more or want more nutrients. They are all on the same bed, one still gets an extra dose of Nettle slurry as fertilizer, the other just will not - or less. (Nettle liquid manure is discussed in detail in April)
A pre-and main culture is possible with this method.
example only salad (which needs only a 2 year break in the crop rotation) - then coal
uncomplicated Families
vegetable garden in 2011
January in the Vegetable Garden:
To do:
garden bed plan can
make soil sample
sift seeds and add
germination test for seed
mid-January peppers sow
end of January salads sow
Jan 20
pepper seeded (see below)
Jan 30
We have again peppers nachgesät Because too few have been merged.
Then we tried the new Erdpresse (from Nixdorf) and equal to the first
salads sown. The Erdpresse works the way very well.
peppers soak
pepper seeds about 24 hours in chamomile tea. This shortens the germination time.
sow in warm soil cultivation, position it in a warm place. Ca. 23-25 degrees.
evenly moist and keep warm - as long as they are not germinated, I put them in the closet - where it is warm, but dark.
from germination then warm up and very bright. If necessary, help out with plant bulbs.
transplant have once been formed in addition to the two cotyledons or 2 correct leaves.
planting earlier than mid-May.
today pointed the first pepper seedlings from the ground:
sowing all on 20.1.
24.1. Variety Daisy F1 - 3 pieces of 3 seed - the only variety that germinates well.
1.26 grade magic breakfast -. 2 pcs of 6 seeds
27.1. Vlasta summer varieties and gold - each with 1 piece of 3 seeds
lettuce seeds of suitable early lettuce I have set before sowing the overnight vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. After sowing seed tray in the fridge. This can be like in the dark (including cellar) - the main thing is cool. Once the lettuce germinates immediately set up very bright.
Do not keep too wet, pour in the morning. planning garden beds and crop rotation:
complicated families: cabbage family, Umbelliferae (carrots, for example) and Schmetterlingsblüter (beans),
vegetables that belong to these three families may only every 3-4 years again in the same bed.
wander why these three families in the course of 4 years each of the whole vegetable gardens with 4 beds.
three beds of vegetables - 1 each bed with green manure for recreation.
The family emigrated from this year so a flower bed next year to bed 2, 3 and then to bed to bed last fourth Only then back to bed first As I said, one of the beds has failed to ever break and should recover. This is also good for beneficial insects and looks pretty off when phacelia, or Tagetes marigolds among the vegetables shine through.
By by family crop rotation can prevent species-typical diseases and pests multiply too much, or soil exhaustion occurs.
The leek leafminer overwinters as in the earth and is looking forward, next spring back to nibble on garlic - but yah that is not there anymore, but far away in the next bed. Too easy I will make my players do not even now.
same time, the strong-weak Wearmouth Wearmouth Wearmouth-medium-order (See below) guarantees.
eg all members of the cabbage family have more or want more nutrients. They are all on the same bed, one still gets an extra dose of Nettle slurry as fertilizer, the other just will not - or less. (Nettle liquid manure is discussed in detail in April)
A pre-and main culture is possible with this method.
example only salad (which needs only a 2 year break in the crop rotation) - then coal
uncomplicated Families
Composites (Salads) need 2 years of cultivation break
very simple families:
very simple families:
lily family (Allium), Solanum (tomato), cucurbits, sweet grass (maize) and goosefoot (beetroot) you can already after 1 year break again planted on the bed. Also suitable as Beipflanzung to the 3 large, complex plant families "from above.
nutrient requirements:
Stark Zehrer: eg carbon species, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, corn, rhubarb, potatoes
means Zehrer: eg carrots, radish, fennel, leeks, beets, peppers, cucumbers, celery
weak Zehrer: eg lettuce, spinach, radishes, peas, beans, spices
So far, this has never required the use of pesticides (chemical anyway, but no biological agents).
broccoli kohlrabi
literature Tip for gardeners:
The vegetable garden guide Wolfgang Nixdorf
and vegetables organically pull the ball from Vista Verlag, Christine Law
action to end the world's dying bees:
- if the bees die, we can forget our gardens very quickly, no bees, no pollination, no fruit. Here is the link to the forum for the petition and some links with in-depth information on:
https: / / secure.avaaz.org / de / save_the_bees / vl
more info about it:
means Zehrer: eg carrots, radish, fennel, leeks, beets, peppers, cucumbers, celery
weak Zehrer: eg lettuce, spinach, radishes, peas, beans, spices
vegetables - growing plan - example
fresh fertilized with compost and manure or septic - then that is a bed for Stark Zehrer:
first Kohlrabi (previously growing under protection network)
second Brussels sprouts
Beipflanzung zucchini
crop rotation:
in the first year so as cabbage plants, next year is on this bed of carrots, in the 3rd Years flowering butterfly (beans, peas) and then in the 4th Years green manure. Then start all over again.
fresh fertilized with compost and manure or septic - then that is a bed for Stark Zehrer:
first Kohlrabi (previously growing under protection network)
second Brussels sprouts
Beipflanzung zucchini
crop rotation:
in the first year so as cabbage plants, next year is on this bed of carrots, in the 3rd Years flowering butterfly (beans, peas) and then in the 4th Years green manure. Then start all over again.
As Beipflanzung (pre-or Nachkultur) I combine it with salads or radishes or beetroot and other vegetables from the uncomplicated families with only 1 year production break. But also because I make sure that this pause is maintained and do not plant very confused.
Square Garden method: this method is divided into squares and each bed in each square is a different vegetable. This looks fun, might sound easy - but ... The crop rotation can they do not comply - pests and diseases can nestle so unabated. Fertilization is also a problem - a Bizzel fertilizer here and over there and left them, because otherwise too much salad gets nitrate .... yes it works but not right and requires vast knowledge of gardening. Then overgrown zucchini all young neighbors, the coal is its neighbors in the shadows ... Really practical and useful, it is therefore not for beginner level. But thoughtful, witty - and something new.
then but rather several small raised beds (eg, from compost bins and baskets to build itself) if the garden is rather small. More on raised beds in the next few posts.
Square Garden method: this method is divided into squares and each bed in each square is a different vegetable. This looks fun, might sound easy - but ... The crop rotation can they do not comply - pests and diseases can nestle so unabated. Fertilization is also a problem - a Bizzel fertilizer here and over there and left them, because otherwise too much salad gets nitrate .... yes it works but not right and requires vast knowledge of gardening. Then overgrown zucchini all young neighbors, the coal is its neighbors in the shadows ... Really practical and useful, it is therefore not for beginner level. But thoughtful, witty - and something new.
then but rather several small raised beds (eg, from compost bins and baskets to build itself) if the garden is rather small. More on raised beds in the next few posts.
In the mixed culture is often pointed out that some vegetables can not tolerate. I could find in my way and not hold me roughly it.
I mulch, as often as possible, care for enough compost to the beds and fertilizing as necessary and only with biologically produced organic fertilizer (eg, horn shavings). This keeps the soil alive and healthy and that is the basis for healthy vegetable plants with defenses against fungi, bacteria, viruses and pests.
So far, this has never required the use of pesticides (chemical anyway, but no biological agents).
against the white fly, I dust with stone dust.
I also do not plant restorative broths or manure.
well but I work with networks against the leek leafminer and fleece.
suitable varieties and proper fertilizer also help in growing - but more about Next time
. 11/01/2011
vegetable garden planning
we have more and more penumbra in our vegetable garden . Therefore, I have looked good look at this issue.
vegetables for the penumbra:
sugar peas
broccoli kohlrabi
radish and radish
carrots has also been worked out
There are still a lot of vegetables and I find that very reassuring.
Rhubarb tolerates relatively much shade and grows quite well under the large cherry tree.
Last year I had little time for the vegetable garden - a conversion has taken us completely in hardware.
But this year we are again full of energy!
I have ordered seed (eg Wolfgang Nixdorf vegetable garden mail order ).
There is also the Covering come early or to protect networks against pests.
There is also the Covering come early or to protect networks against pests.
The tomato varieties, I prefer most of their own seed in itself, but some new varieties I had on Biogartenversand soon for testing ( Biogartenversand ).
Many tomato seeds I got from garden friend will receive from the Internet.
This year I want new herb varieties . Try In front in Corten steel trough provides the safe very well, and the kitchen is not far away.
Grade I ordered some early peppers peppers early spell at flail. Which must be sown soon, so he came to us yet mature.
Seed boxes and compost are ready.
Seed boxes and compost are ready.
literature Tip for gardeners:
The vegetable garden guide Wolfgang Nixdorf
and vegetables organically pull the ball from Vista Verlag, Christine Law
action to end the world's dying bees:
- if the bees die, we can forget our gardens very quickly, no bees, no pollination, no fruit. Here is the link to the forum for the petition and some links with in-depth information on:
https: / / secure.avaaz.org / de / save_the_bees / vl
more info about it:
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