destruction of the synagogue Geilenkirchener 9:11:38
We remember today the November pogrom of 9 and 10 11. 38, which killed more than 400 Jewish citizens, 1,400 synagogues and Prayer rooms of the Jewish communities in Germany and thousands of citizens of Jewish businesses and homes were destroyed. Immediately after 9 November 1938, deported 30,000 German Jews to concentration camps. The demarcation line between discrimination and expulsion of Jews and their systematic destruction was at this ninth November exceeded.
What happened then in Geilenkirchen? During the night the 10th November 1938 it was pulled the Nazi party district leader Konrad Volm after a binge with his mates by calling the district office Geilenkirchen by 3 clock from sleep. It was ordered to set fire to the synagogue. He even operated the siren and drumming brought firefighters, police officers and storm troopers. As concerns arose from an arson because of the risk to neighboring homes, he fired the audience, exclaiming, "Gentlemen, do not be afraid" of. The fire put the building is not completely in ruins, but the facade was torn down in the days thereafter by forces of the Reich Labor Service. For the Jews Geilenkirchener 14 days later began the deportation. More than 90 families were killed in concentration camps. Konrad Volm was convicted after the war to 15 months in prison. His deputy, Leo Gerads received four months for crimes against humanity and breach of peace.
At the memorial service this evening today Night, I will briefly highlight a question that would remind all anniversaries, which are in November of wars and genocide, from year to year more important is how we teach a younger generation of this memory, which in their families not directly related to these dark years finds in the person of her great-grandparents or more?
educators and historians discuss the appropriate methodology in introducing young people to the special responsibility of the Germans, given their role in world history. And the experts note that obligatory attendance of school classes to perform memorial services and visit memorials to more disturbance, and immune evasion than the hoped for recording and sharing of the firm "never again" in the same way as previous generations. So what to do if you carry on the memory and want to allow the Germans not comfortable engaging in the phalanx of supposedly quite innocent peoples?
the social psychologist Harald Welzer employs the collective and individual recall in the face of war and Holocaust, and he advises that get young people not at the end of the story, so with the corpses of Auschwitz and Treblinka to start, but with chapters, one wake sensibility of young people to deal with majorities of "the others" in the here and now appeals. The pogrom of the 9th November may be so far landmark in a dark strange, difficult terrain, which makes such an approach, using its own system of values possible. How is it, so can also ask young people without effort, that a nation with such deep roots in Christian ethics and values of the Enlightenment in about eight years (ie by moving the final year of the Weimar Republic until 1938) and political morally to the dogs is that in a collective frenzy sets fire to synagogues, House raises rate to howling into the streets, people kidnapped and pushes open the door to genocide? And as you learn the ducking when so grave injustice happening around you? And also in Europe: how the French come in 1943 in regard to the injustice and victims of injustice to the middle of the Parisian daily life watching police raids of their own, the lead 65 000 Jews first to Drancy and then to Auschwitz? And the brave Hungarians of 1956 who accepted the 1944 deportation of 400,000 Jews, although not as innocent lambs? "Death is a master from Germany," Paul Celan says in his "Death Fugue", but is in man are not always the terrible temptation to get rid of the allegedly brutal stranger? Think of Rwanda, Srebrenica we think! Can we close chapter in our history and abdeckeln, or does not Instead of reacting to each new suspicion of the revival fervor? How did it then started to like the people are deceived and misled been? Questions for the "time" that we are now still be helpful. The 9th
November is to understand not only as a gateway to a non-tangible horrors, but the younger generation can open a door to an understanding of the history of the first half of last century and to develop a sense for all that historical memory, democratic principles, morality and will twist and pervert decency.
We now carry this ability to contribute to the perception, by this evening Places to visit in Geilenkirchen, let us understand, literally, that here among us wrong was done wrong that is narrated, understandable (Square Synagogue, Jewish cemetery, St. Mary's parish meeting, 19 clock). A right way to continue supporting the memory also tells us that Anita Lichtenstein comprehensive school, by binding the memory of this darkest period of our history to a man who has lived among us, and victims of the Shoah was the Geilenkirchener girl Anita Lichtenstein. In May of next year, Geilenkirchen will also participate in the exhibition "train of oblivion" and also to offer new forms of "learning of memory", also for those who were born decades later. The Office of the Regional Deans and the entire diocese is now already a big thank you for the complex organization and support the upcoming exhibition here in our region.
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