Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Baby Has Had Phlegm For 2 Weeks

U6 - Crawling problems - knee stopper and FreeEbook for all

Yesterday I was at the Mumme Line U6. The mouse is indeed been a year. But she is crawling yet, she crawls. The pediatrician said that would be typical of smooth floors, but I was to her a few times slip patch sewn on the pants, it would then be in a few weeks ..... So last night I
've tinkered a bit and got out here a few knee stopper. Today
then tested the same, already had the fear that the sliding down the whole thing ...
But I must say, really great. 'm Thrilled. These things sit super good, they do not slip cut, but also not.
And Mumme line today was really fully active, has pulled up constantly, is climbing, has knelt, and all without the knee slipped. We'll see when it actually even starts to crawl, but I'm really thrilled by the quick success.
tonight then immediately the 2nd Few improvements were sewn and one, two little things. But I then got the same a few photos and wrote a FreeEbook made for you.
you can is now available in my shop under Freebies Download

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Garden tour in March

connoisseur's garden in March

every day I turn a round in the garden - sometimes with the gardener views, sometimes with the connoisseur's eye.
Some connoisseurs pictures I brought home:
the greenhouse is the first Pulsatilla - discover Pasque :

bloom the fruit trees still
Cyclamen coum - cyclamen , snowdrops and winter aconite
they flower really incredibly long - I have already set in early February here Photos of the first snowdrop, Galanthus elwesii and today they still flourish - and in all its glory!
Galanthus nivalis blooms now for 2 weeks.

Crocus flowers and the wild bees are also reawakened:

Helleborus niger - Christmas Rose our local level is overblown. So that they can Versamer, I let the seed heads are:
From now takes Helleborus orientale - some white or pink, dotted, filled ...

and still quite small - but clearly swelling buds: the tree peony - Paeonia suffruticosa is ready for a new, magnificent flower.
And obviously, our chickens on a walk through the garden there:
you wanted but rather stay in the fruit and vegetable garden - they thought there was still much to do ...

evening we sing, we heard the first Stare - with binoculars, we have seen them then too!
Na - if not Signs of spring are!
The nest boxes are also inspected and Mrs Blackbird has diligently collected for nesting.

And for those who say now that I work a lot in the garden - all wrong - this is an easy-care garden-lovers - no Schuftergarten.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

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nest box and bird's nest

nesting boxes and bird nest

In spring it's time to clean the nest boxes .
The old bird nests could be infested with mites and germs. This would be harmful to the new breed.
Over the winter many birds use the boxes to sleep, so I like to wait until the nights are getting warmer and freeze no longer the animals Sun
early March seems to me to be a good time and so today we have inspected all the nest boxes, some replaced and the well-preserved cleaning.
pleased we have found that almost all nest boxes were occupied.

The birds build very elaborate nests - sometimes tone-on-tone green and white, sometimes motley:
have a few photographs I:

Some of the Nistbaumaterial we have identified - for example, springs from the chicken came from but where the red and light blue felt material is a mystery.
live in one of our safety cameras in the apple tree for 2 years and hornets build their honeycombs. They are valuable roommate in our garden and we hope they come again this year.
These are indeed impressive honeycomb ...
Hornets are probably actually no more dangerous than wasps or Bumblebees and destroy a lot of insects (I hope aphids, codling moth and such) and therefore very useful in the garden.


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many Thanks!

to all who have participated in my auctions for Lucas. (And of course to all others, the auctions were running and all the bidders)
We have here in the blog overall € 85.00 achieved!

The guys package goes for € 25.00 to Christina
The girl package goes for € 35.00 go to Nell
The Jajo duck for € 25.00 to Steffi

now I am waiting very anxiously for the post by Yve, in which she and the total amount notifies * hibbel *

also I am also happy highest bidder on two great auctions have been * happy *
soon draw 2m new, sold-out Püreh Jersey and a sweet hobby press at us

and now we the Lucas all quite small our fingers crossed, that he is also looking forward very soon dolle can quickly find a suitable donor !!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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as one goes up but the Hutschnur

without words
visit our website, we start again - or more?
to head shake
Edit: the post was closed
here are some more
and says Farbenmix click
my first thought, the money invested in trying out the registration NEN Nähkrus .........

♥ ♥ ♥

and think of Lucas, now is the last day

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do not forget - not forget - Rappelez-vous - Recuerdo - Ricordo - onthouden

shrill, she still thinks all the small Lucas, right?
but please look again at my auctions past
the action is great but only until tomorrow, only one days
I would make such jumps, we should do it 2 to finance typing,
and if we would even 3, I'm still ne surprise with on it!! Parole

and Mr.Linky Mr.Linky
be found again all the lists of all participating blogs

skin so pure * g *
I've already bid on hard

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flowers for the cottage garden

flowers for the cottage garden,

cottage garden or cottage garden

The boundary between cottage garden, cottage garden and cottage garden is very fluent in what concerns the choice of flowers, perennials and bulbous plants.
Only with the strict system of the garden (as in the first picture below) to separate the paths clearly.

Spring Flowers: The flower begins
year in the cottage garden with snowdrops and ends with the Christmas roses that bloom at Christmas then.

The cottage garden planting in the year should be colorful on you.
In the spring, of course, were daffodils, wallflowers, forget-me, tulips and Day and not missing nightshade!

Even if it happens in the cottage garden casual and often colorful geschmischt - a seed planning here's the secret most successful beds
. because the plants have to get along with each other and in the right place to sit, so they feel comfortable and flourish
also a little off color, I agree -. too colorful (or as they say in Bavaria gscheckert) aims at indeed are not.
Healthy, robust species and cultivars, it must be, stable, water proof and durable.

this picture I have shown before - it's one of my favorite gardens and I think the self-built fence so successful. The flower bed in front of the fence is classic with Bux, iris, roses, asters planted Cosmea and summer.

typical cottage garden plants are perennials such as
Madonna lily, royal lily, peony.
Good companions are geranium and lady's mantle.
are The peonies are big differences - it was clear the half-filled or cup-shaped flower varieties:
Bleeding Heart
The bleeding heart is available in white or pink - it is absorbed after flowering.

Annual look like the Garden Cosmos, Marigold, miss in the open, flax or poppy seeds every year even her place between the perennials.
sunflowers and marigolds are anticipated or directly sown.
cottage garden poppy
poppy was often to be found - the seeds were for cakes and pastries used

summer flowers, cut flowers:
Most flowers for the cottage garden are also very easy to use as cut flowers. They were then often on Sunday as decoration on the altar of the church.
summer asters and Cosmea

Paeonia lactiflora and Allium
peony and Allium

decorative herbs
Lavender stoechas
jewelry, healing power and bring the fragrance of medicinal herbs, especially in summer in the garden.
The Pasque is one of the herbs in the herb garden:
Pulsatilla vulgaris - Pasque

shrubs such as roses and Bauer hydrangeas are of course also this:
Pharmacists Rose - Rosa Officinalis, Alba- roses and Rosa canina because of the hips.
Bux, yew and holly never lacked - but I write about it in a separate post.

They are the first of the year - in February, the first snowdrops bloom.
Helleborus niger - Christmas Rose
The hellebores are the first and last year - they can flower as early as Christmas.

Sources: Can
Many special herbs and medicinal plants are available through the flower school in Schongau:
Flower School - Flowers - Herbs - Medicinal Plants

For all other perennials I go into a quality-tested herbaceous plants - it's worth. In Austria, for example
herbaceous plants Sarastro


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

21t Birthday Facebook Event Headings

scattered prohibited, lost track ....

now I have bid on so many great auctions for Lucas, and I've lost track but smooth.
I do not remember where I have all submitted a bid
and what and how much .......
HELP * g *
I think in a quiet moment, OK, with so many blogs, in a quiet hour, I'll go again through all the blogs and write to me at this time * hehe *

So, provides also been busy with!
really be great if my 3 auctions would pay here in the blog 2 typing, or even 3? That would beat the hammer
at this location ever a very, very thick D A N K E S C H Ö N to all those who have not yet made a bid, you are really SUPER-DUPER - UPPER - TOP END !!!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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new freebie for March

the March Freebie's Online
a multicolored " P E A C E "Ticking out logo fully and also a peace sign as an application. For the large part (at least 13x18cm)
is now free in-store Mummelito ready for you!

* * click on the banner

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vegetable garden in March

growing peppers and tomatoes
salads in a cold frame
sowing and plants for the vegetable garden

To Thursday in March:
cold frames for growing mid-March to prepare to heat up the earth can.
raised bed
prepare nestboxes Check and remove
peppers - King Blossom remove

sowing transplant repot,,:
in the house:
early March all the remaining tomatoes
field sown under fleece :
from mid-March, broad beans, spinach, carrots grow
Frühbeetkasten :
early spring onion put in the Frühbeetkasten - for all other bulbs is growing this year break - there were last year to turn many pests.
the cold frame can I sow directly
first radish salads regularly every 14 days prefer
end of March and snow peas and peas Sow
cold greenhouse :
from March, the tomato seedlings during the day into an unheated greenhouse or a very sheltered spot outside. minimum should be 10-15 degrees but it already has (in the sun, not measured in the shade). Slowly getting used to the sun by the hour, otherwise the young plants get sunburn. The
toughens grow the plants compact and are very robust and resistant to disease. Once
no frost is left, the tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse at night (in the temperature propagator with Fußheizung to 10-15 ° C heated)
growing in the house:
the peppers on the various Window sills thrive - some are already showing the approach to the first flowering.
The first bloom, which is centered at the top of the segment is called the king bloom. This should remove it, however, be able to make more flowers and more fruit.
I had from the office sending a clear plastic mug 0,4 l can come and the young peppers and tomatoes planted inside. This proved to be very good. I can see if they are moist enough and how far the roots have already been developed. Until next repotting is probably still plenty of time.
In the enlargement you can see the roots very well.

Cold Frame:
In cold frame today I planted the young lettuce plants:
The green parts are screw collar. They work fairly reliably.
the salad we have sown in February and brought forward in the cool greenhouse.
The pointed hoods are to form a kind of mini-climate-proof house.
I am testing the times and will report whether the salads grow faster under these covers, as the others.
Frühbeetkasten The first is already full.
When to expect a frost is, I am the turnip in one of the other two cold frames plants.
The picture is from the end of February - I'll show yet again.

were now the tomatoes and peppers in the sun again.
so common they are in the direct sunlight and harden. When the temperature drops below 15 degrees, I put it back to the living room window.

(for the record - at 25.02, the first hazelnut flourished.)

6th March - sunny, but cold is cold
GH Lettuce sown in Anzuchtkistchen
Early kohlrabi, fennel and green onion (6.2. Sown), hardening set in larger pots and placed in cold culture house.
Cold frames are prepared, with the covers closed to allow the soil to warm up to the planting and sowing.

March 7 - sunny and cold
this week to move the larger tomato plants into the greenhouse. In addition I have packed the greenhouse again to save on heating costs:
I used simple packaging bubble wrap and secured with sturdy office terminals. For more
Sun comes in, I lined a portion of the inside so that I can remove the film as a curtain just when it is warm and sunny.
is the back of the vegetable and fruit garden, the raised bed for planting preparation. The cover is from mid-May as a tomato-house roof.

this blog post will complement me the whole of March even with the latest info's about the progress in our vegetable garden in March

More Info's:
a very interesting contribution to the king bloom for peppers is also available in: Kathy's pot garden world
