to the volcanic eruption in Iceland have been matched by a few days, large parts of Europe declared a no-fly zone. Just during this time, the NATO of 12 - 22 April, a coordinated air maneuvers BRILLIANT ARDENT 2010/BAT 10 ", the colloquial an attack on a" fictitious geopolitical environment, "according to NATO, Iran called simulated.
In this exercise involved the following countries and equipment:
fighter jets, bombers, helicopters, air tankers and AWACS aircraft
- UK
- Germany Italy Poland
- .
- Czech Republic
- Turkey
- France
more detailed information on NATO exercise here
Here you can see how the outbreak of the proceeds Eyjafjallajökull:
How to can see the satellite photo, the ash cloud passes away while on Europe, but only in a narrow alley and not as shown on drawings of the MSM, the fogging throughout Europe. Fogging do again the ever-fawning assistants.
It's the same crap as the "swine flu"! The current pandemic is on the same stage 6! Only the time of the panic is over. And one other "pig" is driven through the village.
Update 4/18/2010: As reported on Bloomberg , would, if safety standards are to be met, the aircraft up to 22 April remain on the ground!
responsible in Germany for the Air Transport is Bundesverkehrsminster Ramsauer. With the DFS is only executive action.
In € Control appeal is made to the attached document ICAO: Manual on Volcanic Ash, Radioactive Material and Toxic Chemical Clouds-Doc 9691:
It's the same crap as the "swine flu"! The current pandemic is on the same stage 6! Only the time of the panic is over. And one other "pig" is driven through the village.
Update 4/18/2010: As reported on Bloomberg , would, if safety standards are to be met, the aircraft up to 22 April remain on the ground!
responsible in Germany for the Air Transport is Bundesverkehrsminster Ramsauer. With the DFS is only executive action.
In € Control appeal is made to the attached document ICAO: Manual on Volcanic Ash, Radioactive Material and Toxic Chemical Clouds-Doc 9691:
Update 20.04.2010: is a report by Udo Ulfkotte Revealed. European military use the total failure of civil aviation for war games.
Shortly before, has already William Engdahl on the first! Europe-wide ban on flights taking the floor: Now it turns out that it is the VAAC in England, for a "computer simulation " and not even an actual measurement of the ash content of the air is liable to the same authority concerned, which is accused of dressing in Global Warming Swindle (Climagate) the climate data (search Fudge Factor) to have. According Wikipedia [English edition] for the measurement of volcanic ash content in the airspace around Iceland, the British Met Office , the British national weather service is "responsible," known as a Trading Fund within the Ministry of Defence, which on a commercial basis according to its given tasks works ".
who benefits?
video portion 1Interview with Dr. Rauni Kilde, former health minister of Finland and studied medical examiner, speaks on 20 April 2010 on the volcanic eruption in Iceland.
to content in detail: The volcanic eruption and the flight ban is intended to foment fear among the population. And the earthquake that caused the volcanic eruption, was artificially created with technologies like HAARP and EISCAT earthquake. By the flight ban and the interest of the MSM, could carry out NATO and the EU's major military exercises. The military exercises could serve as preparation for a war in Iran. I think I triggered the eruption of the volcano by HAARP or similar unrealistic. To force a volcanic eruption, it is sufficient for simplicity's sake a couple of bombs to throw into the crater.
Video Part 2
Update 21.04.2010: On the website of the German Luftwaffe read: "Even though the ash cloud caused by the weather today (20.04.2010) the entire fleet exercise has on the ground can be looked back on a successful training course."
Now, through the free air space could, of course, much faster than usual, durführen all exercises. Moreover, the Italian Units at least continue to not be affected by volcanic ash.
The head of the International Air Transport Association Giovanni Bisignani, the flight ban as an "embarrassment" called. " It took five days to a conference call with the transport ministers to organize the Europeans are still using a system the theory on a model-based, rather than a decision to take on the basis of facts and risk assessment. (to block the sky) That decision must be based on facts and be supported by risk assessment. We have to replace the flat-rate approach through a practical approach . "
The head of the International Air Transport Association Giovanni Bisignani, the flight ban as an "embarrassment" called. " It took five days to a conference call with the transport ministers to organize the Europeans are still using a system the theory on a model-based, rather than a decision to take on the basis of facts and risk assessment. (to block the sky) That decision must be based on facts and be supported by risk assessment. We have to replace the flat-rate approach through a practical approach . "
CONCLUSION: The Bürokratten of € Control do now, after the unnecessary panic and ensure that the unique proof of their own inability, and apart from the economic disaster that this Bürokratten have done, forcing even the complete control of the pan-European air space, because of that failure. ;
This must be avoided at all costs!
Because of the almost complete halt of European airspace was declared by the bureaucratic post only solid basis of a computer simulation! foreseeable With what result? They had eaten! The MSM chew simply the state-and government-mandated information back and bleat in the wild "area" around and runs further dumbing down the reader respectively viewers.