Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wedding Letter Sample Templates

NATO exercise for an attack on Iran-free skies of Europe

sit Now many tourists and business travelers at airports laid extend the stay or look for travel alternatives. Only the military machine seem imum against these dangerous particles "because those were indeed the most pan-European flight ban. This will cost the airlines fly at least 150 million euros a day, as the industry association IATA said yesterday. Then there are probably also announced price increases for air travel after the halt.

to the volcanic eruption in Iceland have been matched by a few days, large parts of Europe declared a no-fly zone. Just during this time, the NATO of 12 - 22 April, a coordinated air maneuvers BRILLIANT ARDENT 2010/BAT 10 ", the colloquial an attack on a" fictitious geopolitical environment, "according to NATO, Iran called simulated.

In this exercise involved the following countries and equipment:

fighter jets, bombers, helicopters, air tankers and AWACS aircraft
  • UK
  • Germany Italy Poland
  • .
  • Czech Republic
  • USA
  • Turkey
  • France

more detailed information on NATO exercise here

Here you can see how the outbreak of the proceeds Eyjafjallajökull:

How to can see the satellite photo, the ash cloud passes away while on Europe, but only in a narrow alley and not as shown on drawings of the MSM, the fogging throughout Europe. Fogging do again the ever-fawning assistants.

It's the same crap as the "swine flu"! The current pandemic is on the same stage 6! Only the time of the panic is over. And one other "pig" is driven through the village.

Update 4/18/2010: As reported on Bloomberg , would, if safety standards are to be met, the aircraft up to 22 April remain on the ground!

responsible in Germany for the Air Transport is Bundesverkehrsminster Ramsauer. With the DFS is only executive action.

In € Control appeal is made to the attached document ICAO: Manual on Volcanic Ash, Radioactive Material and Toxic Chemical Clouds-Doc 9691:

interview with renowned volcanologists to the volcano eruption in Iceland Info Warrior News

Update 20.04.2010: is a report by Udo Ulfkotte Revealed. European military use the total failure of civil aviation for war games.

Shortly before, has already William Engdahl on the first! Europe-wide ban on flights taking the floor: Now it turns out that it is the VAAC in England, for a "computer simulation " and not even an actual measurement of the ash content of the air is liable to the same authority concerned, which is accused of dressing in Global Warming Swindle (Climagate) the climate data (search Fudge Factor) to have. According Wikipedia [English edition] for the measurement of volcanic ash content in the airspace around Iceland, the British Met Office , the British national weather service is "responsible," known as a Trading Fund within the Ministry of Defence, which on a commercial basis according to its given tasks works ".

who benefits?

video portion 1Interview with Dr. Rauni Kilde, former health minister of Finland and studied medical examiner, speaks on 20 April 2010 on the volcanic eruption in Iceland.

to content in detail: The volcanic eruption and the flight ban is intended to foment fear among the population. And the earthquake that caused the volcanic eruption, was artificially created with technologies like HAARP and EISCAT earthquake. By the flight ban and the interest of the MSM, could carry out NATO and the EU's major military exercises. The military exercises could serve as preparation for a war in Iran. I think I triggered the eruption of the volcano by HAARP or similar unrealistic. To force a volcanic eruption, it is sufficient for simplicity's sake a couple of bombs to throw into the crater.

Video Part 2

Update 21.04.2010: On the website of the German Luftwaffe read: "Even though the ash cloud caused by the weather today (20.04.2010) the entire fleet exercise has on the ground can be looked back on a successful training course."

Now, through the free air space could, of course, much faster than usual, durführen all exercises. Moreover, the Italian Units at least continue to not be affected by volcanic ash.

The head of the International Air Transport Association Giovanni Bisignani, the flight ban as an "embarrassment" called. " It took five days to a conference call with the transport ministers to organize the Europeans are still using a system the theory on a model-based, rather than a decision to take on the basis of facts and risk assessment. (to block the sky) That decision must be based on facts and be supported by risk assessment. We have to replace the flat-rate approach through a practical approach . "

CONCLUSION: The Bürokratten of € Control do now, after the unnecessary panic and ensure that the unique proof of their own inability, and apart from the economic disaster that this Bürokratten have done, forcing even the complete control of the pan-European air space, because of that failure. ;

This must be avoided at all costs!

Because of the almost complete halt of European airspace was declared by the bureaucratic post only solid basis of a computer simulation! foreseeable With what result? They had eaten! The MSM chew simply the state-and government-mandated information back and bleat in the wild "area" around and runs further dumbing down the reader respectively viewers.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

What Colour Paint Goes With Travertine

survey gets : U.S. Presidential Election 2012

this prestigious polling firm Rasmussen Reports has conducted a national election poll for a hypothetical 2012 presidential election. The result in the U.S. media already beaten first wave and is currently Drudgereport under the heading:

"shock poll: Presidential Head-to-head race 2012" in a prominent position available.

The German media will certainly return to their role as truth objectors are fair and as always when critical will report to the elected criminals, nothing.

Because the results of the survey is incredible. It is almost a tie between Ron Paul and the current NWO puppet Obama!

2012 Ron Paul still has time to improve. And he is without question! Therefore, he should better take good care of himself. The NWO criminals are on post.


Pinewood Derby Templates Starwars

Afghanistan: Four other German soldiers dead

Shortly after the 3 dead Soldiers who were buried in Germany, politicians crocodile tears. Another attack on German soldiers: Four soldiers were killed in a Taliban attack during an operation in Nordafhganistan and five others injured.

Incredible! Since NATO troops occupy the country. Bombadier until the camps are empty. Come at night the doors of the houses and randomly shoot children. Closing a vast uranium-coated bullets and radiate danmit for a very long time, country and people. Erschiesen always innocent in the streets. That does not interest the press. But when the Afghans dare shoot back, then the outcry is great. And probably even reprisals by the German minister of war "by Biggles!

The attackers fired on from 14.30 clock time a troop of German, Belgian and Afghan soldiers. An armored vehicle was hit by the Eagle type IV. The operation in which the army was on the road reads, "Taohid II" and should restore the movement of NATO troops. Of the Afghan security authorities said shortly after the attack, a hidden roadside bomb had exploded when the soldiers were traveling in the direction of Baghlan.

The Minister of War, in England "by Biggles" called, had visited in the past two days and Afghanistan was on the German supply base Uzbekistan landed when he received the news. He said: "I am deeply saddened to have to tell you today that have left according to the current state of three or four German soldiers their lives and five to six soldiers were injured.

He now wants to return to Afghanistan immediately, "to be with our soldiers on the ground" and to take a picture. Most of the journalists he had "sent home". The patrol was attacked from the "Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

bringing the number of German soldiers killed in Afghanistan on 43! Ago this event, the number of Germans who claim a deduction, now at 62%, this figure will keep rising. But it will not protest. Obviously still too little, as the Germans go in large numbers to the streets and demand an immediate withdrawal of German soldiers in this war of aggression contrary to international law! As long as politicians can, and continue pulling the strings hinblubbern himself: "A deduction is not an option." It also assures the CIA piglets: "The use of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan serve not only help to provide security for the people in the Hindu Kush, but also for security for Germany and the Western democracies."

Naughty you can not lie! The so called "security" for the Afghans is that it is fairly safe, if in the near NATO troops come, life is almost over!

This is the gelled Minister of War, which like the Times writes , has personally used for the German combat mission on board a British fighter pilot, marketing technically very inconvenient.

Guttenberg had announced to provide the Bundeswehr in Kunduz because of escalating violence as soon as two howitzers 2000. The heavy artillery gun has a range of 40 kilometers and at that distance, a target accuracy 20 to 30 meters. In addition to the troops with TOW anti-tank missiles and additional Marder infantry fighting vehicles are equipped.

It was announced that the troops also ordered the haphazard process another 60 armored vehicles. A contract for the new armored vehicles of the type IV Eagle had been signed with the Swiss manufacturer, said the Ministry of War and delivered with next year. These are thus not part of the appointment of up to 200 vehicles, the Secretary of War Guttenberg for this year to Afghanistan.

And now read on Info News warrior, what are these weapons that are to be sent to Afghanistan and what is it with the suitability these weapons is all about! Because the guerrilla war they're inept. Or, come now, as noted in the report, the Taliban now with tanks to battle?

Only if one wants to cross the border in western Afghanistan. Yes exactly, the border with Iran, then the whole thing at once makes sense! That is, but also can prepare Germany for more ordered coffins.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Prolapse Of Utreus(diagrams)

video release on WikiLeaks

In the video to see how the crew of a U.S. helicopter on 12 July 2007 a group of shooting civilians in Iraq. Including two Reuters journalists, the 22-year-old Photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen and driver Chmag Said, 40 years.

Reuters since 2007, urged the release of this recording. The Pentagon, however, kept them under lock and without giving reasons. However, as the alleged the U.S. military, the record was not found, could help out WikiLeaks.

The U.S. military claimed that the two journalists in a shootout caught in the crossfire in a shootout between insurgents and Iraqi and U.S. Army unfortunately lost his life. An internal investigation report

the U.S. Army on 6 April - available at the Internet address from 2007 claims that the two journalists were "collateral damage" in a battle against insurgents. You have no shot at civilians. In addition, the journalists had taken the blame for her death. The video

the U.S. military transferred clearly a lie.

was not only the course is clearly different, as alleged in this report. No, it's also only the Americans fired on civilians in the helicopter.

The joy of the helicopter crew in the killing is shockingly clear. For example, as a member of the helicopter crew laughingly commented that the jeep was driven over it just over the prostrate body.

is certainly the released video on WikiLeaks, a hammer and his reputation in the mainstream media no longer be denied.

Unfortunately, these and similar shocking video, which was the killing of civilians from a distance, it shows from jets or helicopters, for a long time on Youtube.

WikiLeaks has decoded it and demonstrated today at a press conference in Washington:

Baghdad on 12 July 2007:
